JBoss and Apache do play well together! Your on a Win box. So you probably have a setup
similar to c:/jboss5 and c:/apache. Now you probably want to get jboss running (at least)
forward listening on port 80. You are correct. Choose either mod_jk or mod_proxy. One way
to do it.... there are many and your exact server limitations/ setup should be consulted
to determine your best case scenario but for a point of getting started uncomment the
mod_proxy modules... If they are not already there add them from apache...
| LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so
| LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
| LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
and then to config it in apache/conf/httpd.conf do the following... Obviously this setup
is very open ended and may not be optimal for proxy pass and such but will get jboss and
apache to play nice.
| ProxyRequests Off
| ProxyPreserveHost On
| <Proxy *>
| Order deny,allow
| Allow from all
| </Proxy>
| ProxyPass /
| ProxyPassReverse /
| <Location />
| Order allow,deny
| Allow from all
| </Location>
That should do it. Start apache and jboss and hit localhost at port 80.
Hope that helps.
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