gonzalad [
https://community.jboss.org/people/gonzalad] created the discussion
"jBPM 5.4 : how to forward / reassign a task to a group ?"
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As mentioned in
https://community.jboss.org/thread/221465, I need to reassign a task to a group.
This isn't normally possible via taskService.forward as per the spec WS-Huma,Task 1.0
chapter 4.7.3 Delegating or Forwarding a Human Task :
Forwarding is possible if the task has a set of individually assigned potential owners,
not if its potential owners are assigned using one or many groups.
Is there a good way to do it with jBPM ?
For the moment, here's my working code, but it's kind of ugly :
public void reassign(TaskSummary taskSummary, String username,
String targetGroupname) {
Task task = taskService.getTask(taskSummary.getId());
// check if username is in potentialOwners
boolean userInPotentialOwners = false;
for (OrganizationalEntity entity : task.getPeopleAssignments()
.getPotentialOwners()) {
if (entity.getId().equals(username)) {
userInPotentialOwners = true;
if (!userInPotentialOwners) {
org.jbpm.task.User actualOwner = task.getTaskData()
// we claim the task just to set actualOwner to current user
if (taskSummary.getStatus() == Status.Ready
&& (actualOwner == null || !actualOwner.getId().equals(
username))) {
taskService.claim(task.getId(), username);
actualOwner = task.getTaskData().getActualOwner();
// if actualOwner is current user, we add it to potentialOwnersn,
// just to call forward - see
taskService.forward(taskSummary.getId(), username, targetGroupname);
// forward reassigns the task.
// if the task was already assigned to other groups / users, those groups / users are
not removed from potentialOwners
// we must do it explicitly
PeopleAssignments peopleAssignments = task.getPeopleAssignments();
List<OrganizationalEntity> clonedList = peopleAssignments
for (OrganizationalEntity entity : clonedList) {
if (!entity.getId().equals(targetGroupname)
&& !entity.getId().equals("Administrator")) {
Thanks !
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