[JBoss Seam] - problem passivation thread: ConcurrentModificationException
by lowecg2004
Every now and then I get the following message in my logs:
2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle] destroying event context
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.core.Events] Processing event:org.jboss.seam.preDestroyContext.EVENT
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts] destroying: org.jboss.seam.core.manager
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.core.Events] Processing event:org.jboss.seam.preDestroy.org.jboss.seam.core.manager
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.core.Events] Processing event:org.jboss.seam.postDestroyContext.EVENT
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle] <<< End call
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,109 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManager] Saving session state to: C:\bin\seam\jboss-4.0.5.GA\server\default\tmp\sessions\SessionTimeoutHandlerHome-evc97who-j\5c4o1d3r-qbr45g-evc97n34-1-evc9ht00-13.ser
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,249 DEBUG [org.jboss.mx.loading.RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository, repository=org.jboss.mx.loading.HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3@15d925b, cl=org.jboss.mx.loading.HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3$CacheClassLoader@524a69{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,249 DEBUG [org.jboss.mx.loading.RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository, repository=org.jboss.mx.loading.HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3@15d925b, cl=org.jboss.mx.loading.HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3$CacheClassLoader@9336bd{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,265 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManager] Passivation complete; id=5c4o1d3r-qbr45g-evc97n34-1-evc9ht00-13
| 2006-12-05 12:27:09,265 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.SimpleStatefulCache] problem passivation thread
| java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
| at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.remove(LinkedHashMap.java:356)
| at org.jboss.ejb3.cache.simple.SimpleStatefulCache$SessionTimeoutTask.run(SimpleStatefulCache.java:132)
| 2006-12-05 12:31:17,104 DEBUG [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.IdleRemover] run: IdleRemover notifying pools, interval: 450000
| 2006-12-05 12:38:47,100 DEBUG [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.IdleRemover] run: IdleRemover notifying pools, interval: 450000
| 2006-12-05 12:41:50,052 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle] End of session, destroying contexts
| 2006-12-05 12:41:50,052 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle] destroying conversation contexts: []
| 2006-12-05 12:41:50,052 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle] destroying session context
I'm using Seam 1.1 CR2, CVS 04-12-2006.
I haven't noticed any erratic behaviour in my application and as far as I can tell, this has just started to happen recently.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3991320#3991320
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18 years, 1 month
[Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Shared classpath within an EAR?
by lightbulb432
Norman, thanks for the response. A couple follow-up questions for you.
I've been reading up on classpaths in Java EE and it seems you can configure classpaths by putting information into the MANIFEST.MF file. However, it seems like in JBoss you don't really "need" to do it, because classpaths are always magically found regardless.
Should I put classpath information into the MANIFEST.MF? Or is it not necessary and just redundant?
Secondly, I tried putting all the libraries for my EAR into my EJB JAR's lib folder...however, my WAR started complaining that it couldn't find one of the .tld files, even though it was there within the JAR...is there an exception to what you said with tag libraries?
What are all the options JBoss has for configuring classpaths? Where are all the places I have the option of putting it within the EAR? Some work better than others in JBoss...
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3991314#3991314
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=3991314
18 years, 1 month