[Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - .xls is not opening properly in JBoss But the same code open
by kalaiselvane
I am facing a weird problem with my xls files when opened thru Jboss in IE 6.
I have a JSP deployed on JBOSS 4.0.4.CR2 which has links to a pdf file and a xls file.
The pdf file opens up normally when the link is clicked on, but when the xls link is clicked it displays some Binary characters in IE6 instead of opening the xls file correctly.
The code of my jsp is as follows:
response.setHeader("Pragma", "public");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate");
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=July2006.xls");
<h2>Testing File Links</h2>
i have included the MIME Mapping in server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/conf/web.xml
The same code works fine when run the application in WEBSPHERE but not in JBOSS.
anywhere i made wrong?? .. why is it so?....i dont know what to do.. i have tried a lot...please help me ... i m in dare need of the solution...
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18 years, 1 month
[Clustering/JBoss] - Re: same SLSB in multiple clusters
by jotis99
I'm trying to add a Clustered partition name in the jboss.xml since I cannot hardcode it as an annotation (EJB deploeyed in 2 clusters). I've tried numerous combinations and scoured the forums to no avail. Does JBoss support jboss-specific overrides in jboss.xml? THe following did NOT work for me. Is this a JBoss bug or my bug? Do I need an entry ejb-jar.xml at all if I'm only adding stuff in jboss.xml?
NOTE: this web app is garbling my HTML post for the clustered element!
<clustered>true </clustered>
where the I have:
public interface ClusteredSample
public String ping() ;
public String getSystemProperty(String propertyName) ;
public class ClusteredSampleImpl implements ClusteredSample
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18 years, 1 month
[JBoss Seam] - Re: IllegalArgumentException: value of context variable is n
by SmokingAPipe
Now I have figured out the major part of the problem here. I have an entity with an annotation like @Name("invoice") and then, in my dataTable, I have var="invoice", and that is bad bad bad because somehow it isn't being found or whatever. Moral of the story: Use separate names for the variables in your dataTable iterators as you have in your various contexts. It might work or it might cause a debugging nightmare. I need to get used to the namespaces of Seam. I do wish there were some good debugging utility that would let me see this stuff, but anyway.
For the benefit of Google: I googled for this exception and noticed that I'm the first to mention it in any forum or anywhere, so anyone else who gets it will find this page and should look in their jsps for this. The exception is:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: value of context variable is not an instance of the component bound to the context variable:
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18 years, 1 month
[JBoss Seam] - IllegalArgumentException: value of context variable is not a
by SmokingAPipe
What could cause this exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: value of context variable is not an instance of the component bound to the context variable: price
| at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1639)
| at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1594)
| at org.jboss.seam.jsf.SeamVariableResolver.resolveVariable(SeamVariableResolver.java:46)
| at org.apache.myfaces.custom.redirectTracker.RedirectTrackerVariableResolver.resolveVariable(RedirectTrackerVariableResolver.java:41)
| at org.apache.myfaces.custom.security.SecurityContextVariableResolver.resolveVariable(SecurityContextVariableResolver.java:45)
| at org.apache.myfaces.config.LastVariableResolverInChain.resolveVariable(LastVariableResolverInChain.java:42)
| at org.apache.myfaces.el.ValueBindingImpl$ELVariableResolver.resolveVariable(ValueBindingImpl.java:574)
| at org.apache.commons.el.NamedValue.evaluate(NamedValue.java:124)
| at org.apache.commons.el.ComplexValue.evaluate(ComplexValue.java:140)
| at org.apache.myfaces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(ValueBindingImpl.java:383)
| ... 40 more
This is totally baffling to me. I have a form which displays fine, and then when I try to change the price.foo setting and hit "submit", I get a "EvaluationException: Cannot get value for expression '#{price.foo}'" which is caused by the exception above.
One possibility is that I should write a data transfer object and put that in my stateful session bean, and when the user clicks "submit", the session bean will copy the info from the data transfer object into the persistent entity. But I thought the entire purpose of Seam was to get rid of such ugly coding styles. Any ideas?
This is with Jboss 4.05 JEMS beta 3, Seam 1.1rc2, and all in Java 6.
Any ideas would be appreciated. If I'm going to have to write a bunch of data transfers objects, I might as well not use Seam, right? But I don't see posts of other people doing that so I'm confused.
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18 years, 1 month
[Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - JSF JBoss question
by fbrody
Hi I?m evaluating some frameworks at the moment at work (Spring, Tapestry, WebWork and JSF), and am hoping that someone could help me out with this question, the App Server were using is JBoss
Is Jboss pushing JSF and if so are they making it easier for developer to work with this framework over the others??..Have they any feature in there Application server that favour JSf over the other or are they just developing internally with JSF.
Inside the JBoss App server is it a level playing field for all frameworks or is there some advantage to using JSF
Here?s some of the other criteria
Learning Curve for different frameworks
Reusable UI components
Support for creating very large and complex web-apps with many sub-applications (in otherwords, does the framework do well for rapid prototyping but fall over once we start throwing in more and more functionality?) (This might be the ?growing complexity? one, but not sure)
Support for concurrent development. (This might be an easy one to support, but the issue I want to avoid here is people stepping on each other?s toes when we do parallel development.)
Ease Integration with FB2
Reusable page layouts
Support forum or user group or commercial
Tools - Eclipse, IntelliJ and Emacs Integration
JDK1.5 Support Enum and Annotation
Market Share of Framework
Features - 40%
Bookmarkability deep links
Support for Browser Back button
Support for Browser Refresh button
Better timeout support (warnings and ability to save drafts)
Future support for Autosave (similar to Google Spreadsheets)
Built-in input validation
Ajax Integration
Ability to create breadcrumbs (state/history management with bookmarkability)
Any Built-in PDF support
Coexistance of frameworks minimize the risk of relying on a single framework
Future support for Multiple undos and redos (similar to Google Spreadsheets)
Future support for Capturing keyboard commands (similar to Yahoo Mail Beta)
Future support for Right-click menus (similar to Yahoo Mail Beta)
Performance - 20%
Performance of each framework
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18 years, 1 month