[JBoss Seam] - Re: Excessive [could not destroy component] 1.1B1 to 1.1CR1
by gavin.king@jboss.com
anonymous wrote : No, my session scoped SFSB are not sitting around idle.
I don't believe you. If they were not sitting around idle, you would not be getting EJBNoSuchObjectExceptions. Please consider the possibility that this is your problem, instead of fixating that it is mine.
anonymous wrote : What I'm trying to explain in both the ticket (and apologies for diverging here) is that I believe it is Seam's responsibility to handle this better, and agnostic to the JEE container.
Is it also Seam's responsibility to solve the AIDS epidemic in Africa and help America bring democracy and stability to Iraq?
It's all very well to wish for impossible things, but I have to actually write some code at some stage.
There is no platform-neutral way to implement this, since the metadata to control SFSB timeout is not defined by the Java EE spec. End of story. Nor are there any exposed APIs that Seam could call.
anonymous wrote : as of 1.1CR1, Seam is no longer destroying these components successfully (above error). I have @CacheConfig set at 35 minutes. It was previously at 30 minutes and worked FINE on 1.1b1 and below. Seam had no problems destroying these components.
You are the only one who has experienced this (so far). You have given us no way to reproduce the problem. You have given no real information other than a stack trace. And you are ranting and telling us that we have a responsibility to deliver impossible things.
If you can produce a very, very simple test case that demonstrates this happening, we can continue this discussion. If not, I have many other things to do.
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18 years, 2 months