[JBoss Seam] - Seam and JBAS 5.0
by supernovasoftware.com
I read that Seam 1.1 will be included with JBAS 5.0
How will this be included? Will it no longer be required to package seam in the ear?
Is it really going to be 1.1? If so, why not 2.0?
How will this be integrated differently than the current 4.2.x setup?
See the following excerpt and link.
anonymous wrote : Early access version of the next generation JBoss AS is available now. JBoss AS 5 GA will be Java EE 5 certified and will include the following core technologies.
| * JBoss Microcontainer - POJO based microcontainer removing the dependency on JMX
| * EJB 3.0 - Fully certified as part of the Java EE 5 compliant JBoss AS 5
| * Hibernate 3.2 - JPA certified
| * JBoss Messaging 1.2 - the next generation messaging platform from JBoss with HA features.
| * JBoss WebServices 2.0 - new custom built JAX-WS compliant WebServices stack.
| * JBoss Seam 1.1 - a powerful new application framework to build next generation Web 2.0 applications by unifying and integrating popular service oriented architecture (SOA) technologies
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17 years
[EJB 3.0] - @DiscriminatorValue: find not returning subclasses
by lpmon
Env: JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA w/EJB3
I have looked over several different docs that describe how to use entity inheritance w/ SINGLE_TABLE. I used those examples as the basis for my code. I have a base class Units and have subclasses RFUnit and EMUnit.
(em is an entitymanager object)
When I do em.find() or em.getResultList() it always returns the base class. I get no errors of any kind. I am examining the returned class by both returnedObject.getClass().getName() and via Eclipse debugger.
Anyone: Please advise as to how to get subclasses returned from em find or query????
Here are the relevant class declarations:
// base class
@Table(name = "units", catalog = "test2", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "unitName"))
@DiscriminatorColumn(name="hwModel", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
// 1st subclass
@DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
public class RFUnit extends Units {
// 2nd subclass
@DiscriminatorColumn(name="hwModel", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
public class EMUnit extends RFUnit {
// code doing find/fetch
UnitsList ul = new UnitsList(); // Seam convenience class
List l = ul.getResultList();
for (Units u:l)
String tmp = u.getClass().getName();
I also tried:
ul.getEntityManager().createQuery("Select units from Units units").getResultList(); to do the fetch. Same result.
This should be simple. What am I missing?
I did confirm the discriminator column values where as specified in the @DiscriminatorValue annotation.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4115789#4115789
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17 years
[EJB 3.0] - Container keeps dropping and creating SLSB
by su27
I'm using Jboss 4.2.1. MDBs asynchronized calls SLSBs. i put a counter in SLSB's constructor. so i can know the current bean comes from pool or just be created. my problem is i set max size = 100. but after the MDB receives 10,000 messages(in 10 seconds). the nuber of SLSb will be 2000 something. because the pool only holds 100 instances, i guess container destroyed those old instances and created new instance. i don't know why it doesn't keep old instances in the pool.
| if(message instanceof ObjectMessage){
| String sessionBeanJNDI = message.getStringProperty("ApplicationName") + "LogLocal";
| BaseLogLocal asynchronizedLocal = logLocalMap.get(sessionBeanJNDI);
| if(asynchronizedLocal == null){
| BaseLogLocal baseLogLocal = (BaseLogLocal)cxt.lookup(sessionBeanJNDI);
| logLocalMap.put(sessionBeanJNDI, (BaseLogLocal)Asynch.getAsynchronousProxy(baseLogLocal));
| asynchronizedLocal = logLocalMap.get(sessionBeanJNDI);
| }
| ObjectMessage objectMessage = (ObjectMessage)message;
| Object object = objectMessage.getObject();
| asynchronizedLocal.saveLog(object, msgID);
| }else{
| logger.error("Not an ObjectMessage" + msgID);
| }
standardjboss.xml is default.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4115776#4115776
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17 years
[Javassist user questions] - Using Javassist on J2ME MIDlets
by zortag
I would like to use Javassist to modify existing JAD/JAR files for J2ME MIDlets. (Yes I will have permission from the vendor to do this - all the legal considerations are taken care of). Basically I want to display some things to the user before the actual MIDlet runs. I plan to add some extra classes to the MIDlet that do this. These extra classes use basic MIDP 1.0 functionality, nothing fancy at all. But to make the existing MIDlet call these classes, I will need to modify the class specified in the JAD file that extends MIDlet. Let me call this the "original MIDlet class". I need to modify the original MIDlet class startApp() method so that the first thing it does when the app gets launched is to call a method in my extra classes to show this code to the user. When the code in the extra class finishes, it will call the original MIDlet startApp() method again, which will know this time just to execute what was originally there, ie to load and launch the game or app in the MIDlet. I left out a few details but I think you get the idea.
Here are my questions.
How exactly do I run Javassist on a JAR file?
The MIDlet JAR file contains preverified classes. Can I use Javassist on preverified classes?
It looks like Javassist writes the modified class back out to disk. I want to get the modified class file, preverfied, back into the JAR file. What must I do to do this? Must I preverify everything again? Or is the new class already preverified?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4115775#4115775
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4115775
17 years