The problem we are trying to solve is that we have
AListenerMDB and BListenerMDB listening to Topic topicA
We have 3 nodes and the topic and MDBs are deployed on all the nodes in clustered mode.
Any message posted to the topic is seen on all the nodes and hence reaching the MDBs on all the nodes.(Will have to confirm this behavior again)
What we sould like to achieve is message posted from client be seen on only one of the nodes and passed to MDBs on that node only
I will check the confgurations once again and check the behavior as per my understanding of the clustering a message should reach only one topic and passed to al subscriptions on that node only
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A JMS Connection is used to create 10 JMS listeners on Topic MyTopic.
Each Listener has a different selector (some have OVERLAPPING selector properties).
1) Producer sends Message A.
2) Some Connection failure occurs on the Listeners side
3) Producer sends Message B
4) Redelivery mechanism redelivers Message B (can this happen?)
5) Redelivery mechanism redelivers Message A (order is lost and the listener is not even aware of it)
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Easiest is to add the persons to a list you store in the bean.
private Person person;
| private List<Person> list=new ArrayList<Person>();
| void add() {
| list.add(person);
| person = new Person();
| )
Then in your commit method, iterate the list and call em.persist for each element.
No need to use Flushmode.manual for this kind of interaction.
Also, the transaction is tied to a single method call (= a good thing).
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