[JBoss Seam] - Pagination With Query Objects Bug?
by tazman
Hi all!
I think I discovered a bug with the pagination logic of Query objects.
I have a query object comments defined in my components.xml. max-results param is set to 5 and I know that I have 10 comments in the DB. I can use the following code for the rendering of a "next page" link:
<s:link view="/comments.xhtml" rendered="#{comments.nextExists}" value="Next Page">
| <f:param name="firstResult" value="#{comments.nextFirstResult}"/>
| </s:link>
Now, when I'm already browsing the second and last page, i.e. with firstResult param set to 5, a "next page" link is still there. When I click on "next page", firstResult is set to 10 and the query object returns an empty list.
I went through the Query.java code and found this implementation for isNextExists():
public boolean isNextExists()
| {
| return getResultList()!=null &&
| getResultList().size() == getMaxResults();
| }
I think this code should consider the resultCount as well, so that getNextFirstResult() doesn't return a value equal or greater than the resultCount.
Isnt't this the expected behavior for you guys?
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17Â years, 10Â months
[Remoting] - Re: SSLHandshakeException when connecting to JNDI
by Clarich
anonymous wrote :
| The detectors will periodically ping the servers they know about to see if they are still alive. The ping is an actual invocation on the server, so, for sslsocket, there will be an SSL handshake, for which the client will need a truststore.
Well the problem is, that I have a Client and a Server that run perfectly when using no JNDI detection. They use trusted certificates. Only when JNDI detection is enabled I have the problem. And even when JNDI detection is enabled my Client is able to connect to my Server (as long as the Server is still alive). Just the detection does not work.
anonymous wrote :
| See the client SimpleSSLDetectorClient in org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.jndi.ssl for an example of a detector in the presence of servers using an ssl transport. Note that the server, SimpleSSLDetectorServer, must be configured to use sslsocket with a system arg like -Dargs=sslsocket-1101.
Where can I find the org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.jndi.ssl package? I didn't find it within the Remoting 2.0.0 CR1 or the Remoting 2.0.0 GA sources I downloaded. I could only find org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.jndi and org.jboss.remoting.samples.detection.multicast packages.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4024204#4024204
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17Â years, 10Â months
[Clustering/JBoss] - login problems on cluster
by luca.xlb
Hi all!
We have created an application that works fine on a single jboss.
Now, we need to go on a cluster.
I've configured a load balancer and 2 jboss, with mod_jk.
Session replication seems to work fine.
The only problem is in the login phase.
When only one of the two jboss is up all works.
if both are up, login fail, due to this error:
Invalid direct reference to form login page
The error is the same of the direct access to the LoginPage.
Tha application use a custom JAAS login module, and FORM authentication.
SingleSignOn is enabled.
With basic auth all works fine (except logout) ...but i need a form auth
Any advice?
The web.xml is
<web-resource-name>Secure Content</web-resource-name>
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4024196#4024196
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4024196
17Â years, 10Â months