in this case, your WAR has to contain the classes of the DAOs and of the EJB interfaces. Creating a so called "client JAR" file with those classes and placing it in WEB-INF\lib is the easiest approach.
But the even easier way is to bundle JAR and WAR in an EAR file, as they seem to deployed to the same server. This way, adding the EJB jar to the "Classpath" attribute in Manifest.mf will solve all your problems ;-).
Hope this helps
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I've a problem. When I want to deploy a process from jbpm-console. I select a valid processDefinition xml file and the console says:
| Error deploying process: An exception of type "org.jbpm.jpdl.JpdlException" was thrown. The message is: [[ERROR] no processdefinition.xml inside process archive]
No exception it's thrown in the server log.
Could someone help me?? Thanks
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I do not have the classpath specified in the MANIFEST.MF file. The jars it's looking for are in the same path that the mxmlc.jar file are in though, so if it sees that, I'd think it should see the others. As far as the second comment, anonymous wrote : I just noticed this
| Quote:
| real=file:/C:/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/myapp/WEB-INF
| You should actually be renaming myapp to myapp.war.
I think this is happening because I unpacked the application and removed the jar files there, because they're still necessary in the project for other servers. I will try and remove them and let JBoss unpack it and see what happens.
Thanks for your help.
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