I downloaded the file
to a windows system and upon attempted extraction ( on a windows system ), the extraction begins and then halts and opens a messagebox which says, "File "lib" is password protected. Please enter the password in the box below"
What's the password?
I realize this distribution is to be used on linux, but I should still be able to extract it on windows.
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The maxThreads is more than sufficient - probably even 100 would handle that load. (I assume by "concurrent users" you mean "signed-in users", in which case you can usually assume that at most 20% will be submitting requests at the same time.)
What is the database pool size in your *-ds.xml file? How many connections does your app require for each user's request? The answers to that will tell you what the database connection pool size should be.
You can monitor the usage using mbeans in jmx-console, doing so should help you set tha values correctly. You could even use Jopr to monitor this data.
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1- Both Tx1 and Tx2 are reading the entity via the EntityManager.find().
2- I use a named query in another transaction which I execute before Tx1 and Tx2 to preload the cache with some entities. One of them would be read by Tx1 and Tx2.
3- The CCustomerInventory entity is a collection of the CCustomer entity which is read by Tx1 and Tx2, and it is in the cache because of 2.
4- What I understood from navigating the traces is that collections are always read from DB, considering I have defined "fetch=FetchType.EAGER" in the OneToMany relationship between Customers and Customer Inventories.
5- Bear in mind cache statistics are indeed showing up the EntityManager.find() is reading the CCustomer from the cache.
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We are using ZK for our web interface and it works out great using our in house EJB3 services.
Using the CommandServiceBean inteface I have run into the problem of having no way of setting the actor id to the current user. This makes it impossible to find out who is working on what at a given moment.
But using the CommandService interface allowed me to run the ready made jBPM app incuding the jbpm-console that has helped a lot with troubleshooting while developing ZK pages.
Is there another way to hook into a jBPM engine while retaining the packaged application and web console?
Thank You,
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