Re: [jboss-user] [JBoss Web Services] - JBossWS Service that calls a client
by Daniel Hoult
Daniel Hoult [] replied to the discussion
"JBossWS Service that calls a client"
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an additional note:
We can temporarily solve this issue by specifying the encryption alias in the jboss-wsse-server.xml, but doing this means other clients (using other aliases) can't interact with the service...
<timestamp ttl="300" />
<sign type="x509v3" alias="server" includeTimestamp="true" />
<!-- doesn't work -->
<encrypt type="x509v3" algorithm="aes-128" keyWrapAlgorithm="rsa_oaep"
tokenReference="keyIdentifier" />
<!-- does work but disables other clients -->
<encrypt type="x509v3" algorithm="aes-128" keyWrapAlgorithm="rsa_oaep"
tokenReference="keyIdentifier" alias="specific_client_to_encrypt_to" />
<signature />
<encryption />
<signatureCertAuth certificatePrincipal="" />
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14 years, 5 months
Re: [jboss-user] [jBPM] - Capturing the initiator user
by Jorge Ferreira
Jorge Ferreira [] replied to the discussion
"Capturing the initiator user"
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*Disclaimer: jBPM 4.3 does not support historic on task reassignment.* This means if task task1 is first assigned to user homer, then it is delegated manually or otherwise to user bart and finally to user marge, jBPM will only keep track of the last user, marge in this case, that was assigned to task1.
Having said that, if you are ok with *getting the currently user assigned to a task* you can use TaskService to create a TaskQuery filtering by process instance id and task name, as in the following example:
TaskService taskService = ...;
TaskQuery taskQuery = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstance.getId()).activityName("task1");Task task = taskQuery.uniqueResult(); // task.getAssignee() contains the login of the user, if any, to which the task is assigned to.
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14 years, 5 months