[jBPM] - Variables types / String too large for column
by Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour [http://community.jboss.org/people/charles_a] created the discussion
"Variables types / String too large for column"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/555034#555034
Hi guys,
I´ve the following problem with the variables types in JBPM 4.4: When we store a large String as process variables, we get a hibernate exception during the saving. As far as I can see, the String is simply too large for the target column. It´s defined as VARCHAR2(255).
We currently use a serializable container object to store only one String value in it. That way it´s put in the JBPM_LOB table, everything is fine. Am I missing something? Is there a better way to deal with it?
If not, we will be forced to always use container objects as the content of variables is dynamic and can be of arbitrary size.
Btw, we use the same trick to deal with Hibernate objects. We have unsaved Hibernate objects we want to pass along as process variables. Seems trivial, but doesn´t work, because jbpm tries to save only the it´s id as a reference to this object (leading to an exception in our case). That´s annoying and we´re also using a container object here. Again, it works but doesn´t feel good.
Fiddling around with the types.xml would feel even worse ;-) Any options?
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14 years, 5 months
Re: [jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - getting "Message to JBossTopic ... not processed"
by ranjix
ranjix [http://community.jboss.org/people/ranjix] replied to the discussion
"getting "Message to JBossTopic ... not processed""
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/555003#555003
It's not impossible that my MDB config is wrong, it's bothering that same configuration works consistently in weblogic and websphere but not in jboss. As I said, I did try to make the subscription durable, see the MDB's ejb-jar.xml underneath.
I also tried to make the messages persistent, but at that point the text in the system.out became "+10:10:38,736 INFO [STDOUT] Warning: Message to JBossTopic[com.bluemartini.DBUt++ilTopic] not processed: delegator->JBossMessage[5244570167312385]:++*PERSISTENT*++, de++liveryId=1+", and the JMS message was still delivered 2 times out of 3.
Frankly there is a certain hint of flakiness coming out of this issue, in regards to JBoss capability of working with JMS. Hope I'm wrong and indeed something in our app is interfering with the JMS (although don't really see how...)
P.S. Again, a hint towards where in the sources is the text "Message to JBossTopic" constructed would really help. At that point I could try and debug.
the ejb-jar.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ejb-jar id="ejb-jar_ID"
xmlns=" http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xmlns:xsi=" http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation=" http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd">
<description> db util mdb </description>
* <activation-config>*
* <activation-config-property>*
* <activation-config-property-name>subscriptionDurability</activation-config-property-name>*
* <activation-config-property-value>Durable</activation-config-property-value>*
* </activation-config-property>*
* </activation-config>*
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14 years, 5 months
[jBPM] - Another problem with a fork
by Hamel Camille
Hamel Camille [http://community.jboss.org/people/chamel] created the discussion
"Another problem with a fork"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/554979#554979
Hi ,
I have another problem with a fork :it goes through only 1 of it branch and act like the others simply don't exist ( pass through the following join ).
Here is my process :
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <process name="arriveDepart" xmlns=" http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl">
> <swimlane candidate-users="${login}" name="Manager"/>
> <swimlane candidate-users="mary" name="Logistique"/>
> <swimlane candidate-users="mary" name="SI-DRI"/>
> <swimlane candidate-users="mary" name="DSEM"/>
> <swimlane candidate-users="mary" name="I-net"/>
> <start form="org/laposte/jbpm/start.html" g="322,16,48,52" name="start1">
> <transition g="-68,-18" name="to exclusive1" to="exclusive1"/>
> </start>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/SaisieidRH.html" g="228,184,92,52" name="Saisie idRH" swimlane="Logistique">
> <transition to="fork1"/>
> </task>
> <fork g="322,348,48,52" name="fork1">
> <transition to="Saisie badge"/>
> <transition to="Installation poste"/>
> <transition to="Activation i-net"/>
> </fork>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/Saisiebadge.html" g="176,432,92,52" name="Saisie badge" swimlane="Logistique">
> <transition to="join1"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/Installationposte.html" g="300,432,92,52" name="Installation poste" swimlane="DSEM">
> <transition to="join1"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/activationI-net.html" g="424,432,92,52" name="Activation i-net" swimlane="I-net">
> <transition to="Creation AD"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/creationAD.html" g="424,516,92,52" name="Creation AD" swimlane="DSEM">
> <transition to="exclusive3"/>
> </task>
> <decision g="424,600,92,52" name="exclusive3">
> <transition g="-120,-18" name="to Decision prolongation" to="join1">
> <condition expr="#{psnext!="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> <transition to="Liaison PSNEXT">
> <condition expr="#{psnext=="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> </decision>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/Liaisonpsnext.html" g="480,699,92,52" name="Liaison PSNEXT" swimlane="SI-DRI">
> <transition g="-120,-18" name="to Decision prolongation" to="join1"/>
> </task>
> <join g="279,848,92,52" multiplicity="3" name="join1">
> <transition to="Decision prolongation"/>
> </join>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/decisionprolongation.html" g="279,932,92,52" name="Decision prolongation" swimlane="Manager">
> <transition to="exclusive2"/>
> </task>
> <decision g="140,1314,92,52" name="exclusive5">
> <transition to="Document PSNEXT">
> <condition expr="#{psnext=="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> <transition g="-41,-18" name="to join4" to="join4">
> <condition expr="#{psnext!="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> </decision>
> <fork g="162,1096,92,52" name="fork2">
> <transition to="exclusive5"/>
> <transition to="Prolongation badge"/>
> </fork>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/documentpsnext.html" g="27,1237,92,52" name="Document PSNEXT" swimlane="Manager">
> <transition to="Prolongation PSNEXT"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/prolongationpsnext.html" g="-2,1157,92,52" name="Prolongation PSNEXT" swimlane="SI-DRI">
> <transition g="-41,-18" name="to join4" to="join4"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/prolongationbadge.html" g="113,1040,92,52" name="Prolongation badge" swimlane="Logistique">
> <transition to="join4"/>
> </task>
> <join g="410,1096,92,52" name="fork3">
> <transition to="Suppression AD"/>
> <transition to="Editions documents"/>
> <transition to="Reprise badge"/>
> <transition to="Enlevement poste"/>
> </join>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/suppressionAD.html" g="435,1185,92,52" name="Suppression AD" swimlane="DSEM">
> <transition to="join3"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/default.html" g="283,1203,92,52" name="Editions documents" swimlane="Manager">
> <transition to="Suppression services i-net"/>
> <transition to="exclusive7"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/reprisebadge.html" g="534,1180,92,52" name="Reprise badge" swimlane="Logistique">
> <transition to="join3"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/suppressionpsnext.html" g="294,1417,92,52" name="Suppression PSNEXT" swimlane="SI-DRI">
> <transition to="join3"/>
> </task>
> <decision g="308,1285,92,52" name="exclusive7">
> <transition to="Suppression PSNEXT">
> <condition expr="#{psnext=="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> <transition to="join3">
> <condition expr="#{psnext!="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> </decision>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/desactivationI-net.html" g="381,1274,92,52" name="Suppression services i-net" swimlane="I-net">
> <transition to="join3"/>
> </task>
> <task form="org/laposte/jbpm/enlevementposte.html" g="658,1180,92,52" name="Enlevement poste" swimlane="DSEM">
> <transition to="join3"/>
> </task>
> <join g="488,1491,48,52" multiplicity="5" name="join3">
> <transition to="end1"/>
> </join>
> <end g="505,1596,48,52" name="end1"/>
> <join g="60,967,92,52" multiplicity="2" name="join4">
> <transition g="-120,-18" name="to Decision prolongation" to="Decision prolongation"/>
> </join>
> <decision g="301,1016,48,48" name="exclusive2">
> <transition to="fork2">
> <condition expr="#{prolongation=="true"}"/>
> </transition>
> <transition to="fork3"><condition expr="#{prolongation!="true"}"/></transition>
> </decision>
> <decision g="333,121,48,48" name="exclusive1">
> <transition to="Saisie idRH">
> <condition expr="#{idrh==""}"/>
> </transition>
> <transition to="fork1">
> <condition expr="#{idrh!=""}"/>
> </transition>
> </decision>
> </process>
the problem comes from join3 / fork3.
Any idea why this doesn't work ?
Thanks in advance,
Camille Hamel
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14 years, 5 months