Can't connect to HornetQ with SSL
I'm trying to configure HornetQ on AS 6.1 so it accepts encrypted
connections. I coud not find a tutorial on the subject, and only very
sparse documentation, but from what I got this should work. But the JavaSE
client cannot connect.
The client works if I lookup for a non-SSL connecton factory. If It looks
for an SSL-enabled connenction factory, it gets an
javax.jms.JMSException: Failed to create session factory
When calling createConnection:
ConnectionFactory jmsConnectionFactory =
[View More]ConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("SSLXAConnectionFactory");
con = jmsConnectionFactory.createConnection();
I changed hornetq-configuration.xml to add a connector and an acceptor:
And changed hornetq-jms.xml to bind to JNDI a conection factory using them:
JBoss AS 6.1 starts without an error in server.log
jms.keystore and client.truststore were generated using keytool, the same
way it works to configure a remoting ssl invoker for EJB3.
I even download hornetq standalone and looked at the examples, it looks
like I did the same as sample "ssl-enabled", but it won't work for me.
Please, any hint on what I did wrong?
[]s, Fernando Lozano
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