Re: [jboss-user] [jBPM] - jBPM5 Developer Guide – Request for Feedback
by Maciej Swiderski
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"jBPM5 Developer Guide – Request for Feedback"
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Mauricio, item list to be included in the book is rather complete (especially taking under consideration that you can't include everything).
Here are bit of (in my opinion) interesting points but maybe they are already in:
- events (boundary and intermediate) - especially timer and message events for intermediate and timer and error for boundary
- tooling - knowledge agent and Guvnor with Designer would be great too
- maybe a brief introduction to BAM as this is shipped with jBPM5
13 years, 1 month
[jBPM] - jBPM5 Developer Guide – Request for Feedback
by Mauricio Salatino
Mauricio Salatino [] created the document:
"jBPM5 Developer Guide – Request for Feedback"
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Hi everyone, as you may know, I'm working to deliver the next version of my previous book called jBPM Developer Guide published by Packt Publishing [UK]. I'm focused right now to round up this work and publish the new version (via Packt) at the beginning of next year. But before closing all the topics and move all the chapters drafts for the final stage, I would like to receive feedback from the community. I would like to gather and receive comments about the topics that this books should cover beyond the basic ones.
h1. Covered Topics
The following list contains all the topics that I consider that must be covered by a book titled jBPM Developer Guide:
* Theoretical Background on BPM
* BPM related topics, technologies and disciplines (SOA, EDA, ESB, BRMS)
* BPM Systems Structure
* BPMN 2.0 Specification Introduction, Why it is important
* WS-HT Specification
* Deep dive into Human Interactions and the Human Task Component
* How jBPM5 is compared with traditional BPM Systems
* jBPM5 Initial Approach - Testing Framework
* jBPM5 Internals
* jBPM5 Tooling
* Domain Specific Activities + Repository
* How jBPM5 is related to Drools and how the can work together to model complex business scenarios
* How jBPM5 share mechanisms with Drools
* How jBPM5 can be integrated with traditional software components and mechanisms (distributed caches, graph oriented databases, messaging systems, etc)
* How jBPM5 can be used with Drools Fusion
* Different options to architect your application around jBPM5 & Drools
* Changes from the previous version jBPM3/jPDL - Migration path
* <<ADD YOURS HERE -> Please post a Comment>>
I will be updating this list of topics based on your comments. But before posting please keep the following points in mind in order to suggest extra topics:
* I cannot include all the topics that I want
* A book never covers all the existing topics, this jBPM5 Developer Guide doesn't aim to be a jBPM5 Bible
* All the proposed topics must include examples that will be developed along the book
* The book try to cover all the theoretical background needed to help you to understand and tackle new and uncovered problems. I prefer to include the guidelines and make focus on design patterns instead of covering all the possible implementations and technical solutions.
* The book should start simple, with simple examples that morph in more complex scenarios. I cannot cover advanced topics, like for example clustering or distributed transactions if I don't spend a chapter describing why and when you need to think about those topics. For this example, both clustering and distributed transactions are generic technical topics that can be covered by other books or projects documentation. I will include in this version of the book all the necessary references to cover such topics.
* This book is not just about jBPM5 it must cover and introduce Drools & Drools Fusion to an intermediate level
As I mention, I really appreciate any comments on this. I will try to advertise this post as much as I can, but if you can help me spreading the word I can provide a better reading material for all of you!
Keep in mind the fact that I wanna publish this book on Q1 2012, so the sooner you post more chances do you get to get included in the book.
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year for everyone! - Salaboy 2011
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13 years, 1 month
[JBoss Microcontainer] - Visibility of several (versions of) jar's in JBoss EAP 5.1
by Simon Jongsma
Simon Jongsma [] created the discussion
"Visibility of several (versions of) jar's in JBoss EAP 5.1"
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Hi there!
We currently have a problem with the JBoss EAP 5.1 classloading.
I tried to solve the issue using several jboss-classloading.xml setups but did not succeed.
So I would be very glad if someone could provide some help on this.
Resume: we are deploying six ear’s in total; A, C, C, D, E, F.
Five of those (A through E) are using a external jar xxx.jar version 2.0 (in lib directory).
One ear (F) is using the same xxx.jar but a legacy version 1.0 of it which we embedded inside the F ear.
Objective was to limit visibility of this jar.
Problem now arises that all ear’s are nevertheless “seeing” xxx.jar version 1.0 instead of version 2.0.
Our wish is to configure JBoss (using jboss-classloading.xml files presumably) to configure the F ear,
so that it’s (embedded?) xxx.jar is *NOT* exposed to the other 5 ear’s.
Note: we do want F ear to "see" other jars in the JBoss environment.
At the same time F ear now contains a class "com.getronics.slg.civmk.common.jaas.listener.CivisionSessionListener"
that we want to be visible for ear’s A through E.
Can you help us? It’s rather urgent; our development time window ends this week.
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13 years, 1 month
[jBPM] - How to query tasks
by Tommer Wizansky
Tommer Wizansky [] created the discussion
"How to query tasks"
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Here's the situation I have. I want to write a simple user registration flow which should look something like this:
1) user requests registration
2) system an email with a confirmation link and pauses the process until the user confirms the registration.
3) user follows the link and clicks "confirm" (or something like that)
4) the system continues the process and creates a new user in the system.
3) Is implemented with a human task. My problem lies with the transition from 3) to 4). The new user is not an actor in the jBPM environment so I can't assign the human task to him. I have to assign it to some general "registration-manager" actor. In that case, in step 4), how do I retrieve the correct task and continue the process? The only way I can see is to retrieve all the tasks assigned to "registration-manager" and search them in code but that involves a lot of overhead since we may have many new users.
I would like to retrieve only the task associated with the specific new user that is registering but I don't see any way to do this. Is there any way to query tasks with more granularity that just the actor they are assigned to?
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13 years, 1 month
[EJB3] - Quartz bean fails at deployment on JBoss 5.1
by sven.loe
sven.loe [] created the discussion
"Quartz bean fails at deployment on JBoss 5.1"
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I am trying to deploy a app on JBoss 5.1 Final. It has 2 MDBs that need to be called by quartz according to crontab. At deployment time I get the following error message:
08:34:10,809 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: ejbName: AttestationEventsTimerBean
08:34:10,872 ERROR [TimerImpl] Error invoking ejbTimeout
javax.ejb.EJBException: No method has been annotated with @Timeout
at org.jboss.ejb3.mdb.MessagingContainer.callTimeout(
at org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimerImpl$
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
08:34:10,872 ERROR [TimerImpl] Error invoking ejbTimeout
javax.ejb.EJBException: No method has been annotated with @Timeout
at org.jboss.ejb3.mdb.MessagingContainer.callTimeout(
at org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimerImpl$
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
08:34:10,872 ERROR [TimerImpl] Error invoking ejbTimeout
javax.ejb.EJBException: No method has been annotated with @Timeout
at org.jboss.ejb3.mdb.MessagingContainer.callTimeout(
at org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimerImpl$
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
The source of the Bean looks like that:
@MessageDriven(activationConfig =
{@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "cronTrigger", propertyValue = "0 5 * ? * MON-FRI *")})
public class AttestationEventsTimerBean implements Job {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AttestationEventsTimerBean.class);
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");"Process attestations: "+formatter.format(new Date()));
try {
catch (AttestationException e) {
logger.error("AttestationTimeout failed.", e);
private AttestationService attestationService;
public void setAttesationService(AttestationService attestationService) {
this.attestationService = attestationService;
It is done like in the examples in the JBoss docs. If I delete the @ResourceAdapter annotation I get an exception that MDB the messagetype is unknown. An MDB has no @Timeout annotations so what is going on here? Has somebody an idea?
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13 years, 1 month