
  • 4 participants
  • 471 discussions
[EJB3] - EJB 3.1 Asynchronous in JBoss AS 6 CR1
by John Ament
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - A question about rule task in jBPM5
by Jing Zhang
13 years, 2 months
[JBoss Microcontainer] - Re: JBOSS 5.1: ignore persistence.xml in jar file
by Ales Justin
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - Re: JBPM 3.2.5, MSSQL 2005 - blocking in JBPM_JOB table
by Alejandro Guizar
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - has jBPM forked Oryx?
by ffayolle
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - jbpm5 process instance persistence
by a_nat
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - jBPM5 Console Integration with Tomcat6
by bpmn2 user
13 years, 2 months
[JBoss Messaging] - Jboss 5 5.10 EAP Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery got XA exception javax.transaction.xa.XAException, XAException.XAER_RMERR
13 years, 2 months
[EJB3] - How to reconcile CMPC and SMPC?
by Bojan Dolinar
13 years, 2 months
[jBPM] - Re: Persisting Human Task, letting user to complete after server restart.
by Mauricio Salatino
13 years, 2 months
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