[jBPM] - Re: New process instance created but no task insert in db
by Sandra Renaud
Sandra Renaud [https://community.jboss.org/people/joploya] created the discussion
"Re: New process instance created but no task insert in db"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/824543#824543
Total enigma : I try to start again a new instance of process using the debugging mode and... it works without any change.
I don't see any change in logs exept for sql requests that insert the new task.
13:55:51,853 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:51,855 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:51,858 INFO [stdout] (http-- ProcessInstanceInfo
13:55:51,861 INFO [stdout] (http-- (OPTLOCK, processId, startDate, lastReadDate, lastModificationDate, state, processInstanceByteArray)
13:55:51,864 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:51,865 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:55:51,876 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED startDate=Mon Jun 24 13:54:07 CEST 2013 process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,879 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED startDate=Mon Jun 24 13:54:07 CEST 2013 process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,882 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED flowType=N_FG process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,885 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED flowType=N_FG process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,934 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED flowId=2 process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,936 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER RULEFLOW VARIABLE CHANGED flowId=2 process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,938 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE RULEFLOW STARTED process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,940 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=1] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,942 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE PROCESS NODE EXITED node:[id=1] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,943 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=2] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,945 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE PROCESS NODE EXITED node:[id=2] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,947 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- BEFORE PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:P_ENG_step[id=3] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:51,955 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:51,956 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:51,957 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:51,958 INFO [stdout] (http-- WorkItemInfo
13:55:51,959 INFO [stdout] (http-- (creationDate, name, processInstanceId, state, OPTLOCK, workItemByteArray)
13:55:51,960 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:51,961 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:55:52,029 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,030 INFO [stdout] (http-- select
13:55:52,031 INFO [stdout] (http-- user0_.id as id402_0_
13:55:52,032 INFO [stdout] (http-- from
13:55:52,033 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity user0_
13:55:52,034 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,035 INFO [stdout] (http-- user0_.id=?
13:55:52,036 INFO [stdout] (http-- and user0_.DTYPE='User'
13:55:52,041 DEBUG [com.st.ams.task.management.AMSUserGroupCallbackImpl] (http-- Seaching for user existence with filter NATHALIE BANCHERI
13:55:52,279 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,282 INFO [stdout] (http-- select
13:55:52,284 INFO [stdout] (http-- user0_.id as id402_0_
13:55:52,287 INFO [stdout] (http-- from
13:55:52,289 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity user0_
13:55:52,291 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,293 INFO [stdout] (http-- user0_.id=?
13:55:52,295 INFO [stdout] (http-- and user0_.DTYPE='User'
13:55:52,301 DEBUG [com.st.ams.task.management.AMSUserGroupCallbackImpl] (http-- Seaching for group existence with filter AMS_CRW_ANALOG_P_ENG
13:55:52,348 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,349 INFO [stdout] (http-- select
13:55:52,350 INFO [stdout] (http-- group0_.id as id402_0_
13:55:52,351 INFO [stdout] (http-- from
13:55:52,353 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity group0_
13:55:52,354 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,355 INFO [stdout] (http-- group0_.id=?
13:55:52,356 INFO [stdout] (http-- and group0_.DTYPE='Group'
13:55:52,360 DEBUG [com.st.ams.task.management.AMSUserGroupCallbackImpl] (http-- Seaching for group existence with filter AMS_CRW_ADMIN
13:55:52,490 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,493 INFO [stdout] (http-- select
13:55:52,495 INFO [stdout] (http-- group0_.id as id402_0_
13:55:52,497 INFO [stdout] (http-- from
13:55:52,498 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity group0_
13:55:52,500 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,502 INFO [stdout] (http-- group0_.id=?
13:55:52,504 INFO [stdout] (http-- and group0_.DTYPE='Group'
13:55:52,509 DEBUG [com.st.ams.task.management.AMSUserGroupCallbackImpl] (http-- Seaching for user existence with filter NATHALIE BANCHERI
13:55:52,704 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,706 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,707 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,709 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity
13:55:52,710 INFO [stdout] (http-- (DTYPE, id)
13:55:52,712 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,713 INFO [stdout] (http-- ('User', ?)
13:55:52,721 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,722 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,724 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,725 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity
13:55:52,726 INFO [stdout] (http-- (DTYPE, id)
13:55:52,728 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,729 INFO [stdout] (http-- ('User', ?)
13:55:52,735 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,736 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,737 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,738 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity
13:55:52,739 INFO [stdout] (http-- (DTYPE, id)
13:55:52,739 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,740 INFO [stdout] (http-- ('Group', ?)
13:55:52,745 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,746 INFO [stdout] (http-- select
13:55:52,747 INFO [stdout] (http-- user_.id
13:55:52,748 INFO [stdout] (http-- from
13:55:52,749 INFO [stdout] (http-- OrganizationalEntity user_
13:55:52,750 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,751 INFO [stdout] (http-- user_.id=?
13:55:52,769 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,770 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,771 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,772 INFO [stdout] (http-- Task
13:55:52,772 INFO [stdout] (http-- (archived, allowedToDelegate, taskInitiator_id, priority, activationTime, actualOwner_id, completedOn, createdBy_id, createdOn, documentAccessType, documentContentId, documentType, expirationTime, faultAccessType, faultContentId, faultName, faultType, outputAccessType, outputContentId, outputType, parentId, previousStatus, processId, processInstanceId, processSessionId, skipable, status, workItemId, OPTLOCK)
13:55:52,776 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,777 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:55:52,793 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,794 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,794 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,795 INFO [stdout] (http-- I18NText
13:55:52,796 INFO [stdout] (http-- (language, shortText, text)
13:55:52,797 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,798 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?)
13:55:52,811 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,812 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,813 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,814 INFO [stdout] (http-- I18NText
13:55:52,815 INFO [stdout] (http-- (language, shortText, text)
13:55:52,816 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,817 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?)
13:55:52,823 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,825 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,826 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,827 INFO [stdout] (http-- I18NText
13:55:52,828 INFO [stdout] (http-- (language, shortText, text)
13:55:52,829 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,830 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?, ?, ?)
13:55:52,836 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,837 INFO [stdout] (http-- insert
13:55:52,837 INFO [stdout] (http-- into
13:55:52,838 INFO [stdout] (http-- Content
13:55:52,839 INFO [stdout] (http-- (content)
13:55:52,840 INFO [stdout] (http-- values
13:55:52,840 INFO [stdout] (http-- (?)
13:55:52,854 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:P_ENG_step[id=3] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,856 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=2] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,857 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=2] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,859 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=1] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,861 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER PROCESS NODE TRIGGERED node:[id=1] process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,863 INFO [org.drools.audit.WorkingMemoryConsoleLogger] (http-- AFTER RULEFLOW STARTED process:newfinishedgood[id=com.st.ams.flows.newfinishedgood]
13:55:52,870 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,871 INFO [stdout] (http-- update
13:55:52,871 INFO [stdout] (http-- SessionInfo
13:55:52,872 INFO [stdout] (http-- set
13:55:52,873 INFO [stdout] (http-- lastModificationDate=?,
13:55:52,874 INFO [stdout] (http-- rulesByteArray=?,
13:55:52,875 INFO [stdout] (http-- startDate=?,
13:55:52,876 INFO [stdout] (http-- OPTLOCK=?
13:55:52,877 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,878 INFO [stdout] (http-- id=?
13:55:52,878 INFO [stdout] (http-- and OPTLOCK=?
13:55:52,902 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,903 INFO [stdout] (http-- update
13:55:52,903 INFO [stdout] (http-- ProcessInstanceInfo
13:55:52,904 INFO [stdout] (http-- set
13:55:52,905 INFO [stdout] (http-- OPTLOCK=?,
13:55:52,906 INFO [stdout] (http-- processId=?,
13:55:52,907 INFO [stdout] (http-- startDate=?,
13:55:52,908 INFO [stdout] (http-- lastReadDate=?,
13:55:52,909 INFO [stdout] (http-- lastModificationDate=?,
13:55:52,910 INFO [stdout] (http-- state=?,
13:55:52,911 INFO [stdout] (http-- processInstanceByteArray=?
13:55:52,912 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,913 INFO [stdout] (http-- InstanceId=?
13:55:52,913 INFO [stdout] (http-- and OPTLOCK=?
13:55:52,921 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,922 INFO [stdout] (http-- update
13:55:52,923 INFO [stdout] (http-- WorkItemInfo
13:55:52,924 INFO [stdout] (http-- set
13:55:52,924 INFO [stdout] (http-- creationDate=?,
13:55:52,925 INFO [stdout] (http-- name=?,
13:55:52,926 INFO [stdout] (http-- processInstanceId=?,
13:55:52,927 INFO [stdout] (http-- state=?,
13:55:52,928 INFO [stdout] (http-- OPTLOCK=?,
13:55:52,929 INFO [stdout] (http-- workItemByteArray=?
13:55:52,930 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,930 INFO [stdout] (http-- workItemId=?
13:55:52,931 INFO [stdout] (http-- and OPTLOCK=?
13:55:52,949 INFO [stdout] (http-- Hibernate:
13:55:52,950 INFO [stdout] (http-- update
13:55:52,951 INFO [stdout] (http-- Task
13:55:52,952 INFO [stdout] (http-- set
13:55:52,953 INFO [stdout] (http-- archived=?,
13:55:52,954 INFO [stdout] (http-- allowedToDelegate=?,
13:55:52,955 INFO [stdout] (http-- taskInitiator_id=?,
13:55:52,956 INFO [stdout] (http-- priority=?,
13:55:52,957 INFO [stdout] (http-- activationTime=?,
13:55:52,958 INFO [stdout] (http-- actualOwner_id=?,
13:55:52,959 INFO [stdout] (http-- completedOn=?,
13:55:52,960 INFO [stdout] (http-- createdBy_id=?,
13:55:52,961 INFO [stdout] (http-- createdOn=?,
13:55:52,962 INFO [stdout] (http-- documentAccessType=?,
13:55:52,963 INFO [stdout] (http-- documentContentId=?,
13:55:52,964 INFO [stdout] (http-- documentType=?,
13:55:52,965 INFO [stdout] (http-- expirationTime=?,
13:55:52,966 INFO [stdout] (http-- faultAccessType=?,
13:55:52,967 INFO [stdout] (http-- faultContentId=?,
13:55:52,968 INFO [stdout] (http-- faultName=?,
13:55:52,969 INFO [stdout] (http-- faultType=?,
13:55:52,970 INFO [stdout] (http-- outputAccessType=?,
13:55:52,971 INFO [stdout] (http-- outputContentId=?,
13:55:52,972 INFO [stdout] (http-- outputType=?,
13:55:52,973 INFO [stdout] (http-- parentId=?,
13:55:52,974 INFO [stdout] (http-- previousStatus=?,
13:55:52,975 INFO [stdout] (http-- processId=?,
13:55:52,975 INFO [stdout] (http-- processInstanceId=?,
13:55:52,976 INFO [stdout] (http-- processSessionId=?,
13:55:52,977 INFO [stdout] (http-- skipable=?,
13:55:52,978 INFO [stdout] (http-- status=?,
13:55:52,979 INFO [stdout] (http-- workItemId=?,
13:55:52,980 INFO [stdout] (http-- OPTLOCK=?
13:55:52,980 INFO [stdout] (http-- where
13:55:52,981 INFO [stdout] (http-- id=?
13:55:52,982 INFO [stdout] (http-- and OPTLOCK=?
It's a little bit scary because if this bug occurs in production....
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11 years, 6 months
[JBoss Messaging] - SSL Enabled HornetQ Connector wont connect.
by Zahid Saleem
Zahid Saleem [https://community.jboss.org/people/zeebot] created the discussion
"SSL Enabled HornetQ Connector wont connect."
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/824600#824600
All i am currently struggling to connect to SSL enabled JMS Queue using HornetQConnectionFactory in JBoss 6.1.0-Final
My Server is basically running the ssl-enabled hornetQ configuration and using the keys provided - the server loads up successfully and the listening on port 5500
The Client is a pragmatic HornetQ Connector that should hopefully connect to the Server the following code illustrates how i create the connection
Map<String, Object> connParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
connParams.put(org.hornetq.core.remoting.impl.netty.TransportConstants.PORT_PROP_NAME, port);
connParams.put(org.hornetq.core.remoting.impl.netty.TransportConstants.HOST_PROP_NAME, host);
connParams.put(org.hornetq.core.remoting.impl.netty.TransportConstants.SSL_ENABLED_PROP_NAME, true);
connParams.put(TransportConstants.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PROP_NAME, "hornetqexample");
connParams.put(TransportConstants.KEYSTORE_PATH_PROP_NAME, "/opt/cert/hornetq.example.keystore");
TransportConfiguration transConfig =
new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName(), connParams);
hcf = new HornetQJMSConnectionFactory(false, transConfig);
try {
Queue queue;
queue = new HornetQQueue(queueName);
if (username != null && password != null) {
connection = hcf.createConnection(username, password);
} else {
connection = hcf.createConnection();
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
producer = session.createProducer(queue);
connected = true;
} catch (JMSException ex) {
// Throw an exception that can be handled by the caller
logger.error("Problem creating JMS connection", es);
// Disconnect so that we clean up any partially created components
throw commsEx;
The above works when SSL is disabled - however when it SSL is enabled the server side errors with
17:07:41,024 INFO [org.jboss.bootstrap.impl.base.server.AbstractServer] JBossAS [6.1.0.Final "Neo"] Started in 35s:923ms
17:12:51,067 ERROR [org.jboss.xnio.channel-listener] A channel event listener threw an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(ByteBuffer.java:311) [:1.6.0_45]
at org.jboss.xnio.channels.MessageStreamChannelListener.handleEvent(org.jboss.xnio.channels.MessageStreamChannelListener:108)
at org.jboss.xnio.channels.MessageStreamChannelListener.handleEvent(org.jboss.xnio.channels.MessageStreamChannelListener:1) [
at org.jboss.xnio.IoUtils.invokeChannelListener(org.jboss.xnio.IoUtils:536) [:6.1.0.Final]
at org.jboss.xnio.nio.NioTcpChannel$ReadHandler.run(NioTcpChannel.java:389) [:6.1.0.Final]
at org.jboss.xnio.IoUtils$2.execute(org.jboss.xnio.IoUtils:71) [:6.1.0.Final]
at org.jboss.xnio.nio.NioSelectorRunnable.run(NioSelectorRunnable.java:115) [:6.1.0.Final]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) [:1.6.0_45]
at org.jboss.threads.JBossThread.run(JBossThread.java:122) [:2.0.0.CR7]
LIke i mentioned the Server side hornetQ config is almost identicle to the ssl-enabled example available in hornetQ.
There are Netty SSL Conenctors and Acceptors are configured in the hornetq-configuration.xml the exampleQueue is created on the server side. So am unsure why i cant connect
successfully from the client. However the example does use JNDI lookup where as I am create a HornetQConnector to connect over SSL i wouldnt have thought that will be an issue.
Any help on the above would be greatly appreciated.
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11 years, 7 months
[jBPM] - Re: How to make a process instance go on with jBPM5?
by javafreeker
javafreeker [https://community.jboss.org/people/javafreeker] created the discussion
"Re: How to make a process instance go on with jBPM5?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/824584#824584
Hi Esteban
Could you please share a link with examples related to your post
"Remember that you will need to make an external mechanism to hanlde the result of async calls. Inside the WorkItemHandler you can get the workItem Id. Two (of the probably infinite) options that you have are:
1. Pass the id (along with the session Id) to the external system. The external system, when finishes, can use those values to perform a call to your system and complete the work item.
2. Create a complete isolated mechanism for handling async calls to external systems. In this scenario, you could call the external system on your WorkItem Handler and then notify this third system (the isolated system I have mentioned before) that a new "task" is running. When the external system completes its work, it notifies this to the same third system. When a task is completed, the third system will notify your system about it.
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Start a new discussion in jBPM at Community
11 years, 7 months