[jBPM] - Process ends, but user wants to redo the last human task, What or How to do this?
by Thomas Setiabudi
Thomas Setiabudi [https://community.jboss.org/people/thomas.setiabudi] created the discussion
"Process ends, but user wants to redo the last human task, What or How to do this?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/830812#830812
Here's the order of the situation:
1. We have a process where there is a series of human task
2. The actor at the last human task make wrong input (e.g. he/she wants to reject but clicked on the approve button instead)
3. The process continue and it reaches the end node (termination end node)
4. But because the last actor was wrong, he/she wants to redo his/her last human task.
My question is How does this possible in jBPM? or if it is not possible, What should we do to handle situation like this?
We would like the Process Instance Log to keep the real end time of the process after the user redo the last step, that way we will have real information about how long the process takes to complete.
Any thought on this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thomas Setiabudi
*More Information:*
What we use:
JBPM5.4 Final
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11 years, 6 months
[jBPM] - Alternate to find ProcessInstanceLog
by Shobhit Tyagi
Shobhit Tyagi [https://community.jboss.org/people/roxy1987] created the discussion
"Alternate to find ProcessInstanceLog"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/830988#830988
A couple of questions please.
a) With finding the processinstancelog object by the process instance id. Right now i use the following :
objProcInstLog = JPAProcessInstanceDbLog.findProcessInstance(intProcessId);
But it take me 2 secs to give the response.
the log with timestamps before and after the API is following :
SystemOut O START{SysUpTime = 159186 days 13:10:55} {Timestamp = Thu Aug 01 10:43:05 COT 2013}
SystemErr R INFO: Found persistence provider org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence. OpenJPA will not be used.
SystemErr R INFO: Found persistence provider org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence. OpenJPA will not be used.
SystemOut O END{SysUpTime = 159186 days 13:11:12} {Timestamp = Thu Aug 01 10:43:07 COT 2013}
b) To get the org.drools.definition.process.Process object i use the following piece of code which takes me 1 sec to return the value :
objProcess = objKBase.getProcess(strProcessDefId);
Is this the response time of these methods?
Any alternative that I can use for these two please?
Shobhit Tyagi
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11 years, 6 months
Errors with CXF/JAXRS 2.7.0
by JE
I am using CXF 2.7.0 on JBOSS AS 6 and am getting the following error when
trying to make a REST call.
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
I assume that I have a version conflict on the javax.ws.rs stuff. How do I
resolve this? I am already running a pretty pared down standalone.xml, is
there anything else I need to remove to prevent Jboss from exporting its
own version of the Rest jars? I don't plan to use RestEasy at all.
<extension module="org.jboss.as.clustering.infinispan"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.configadmin"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.connector"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.deployment-scanner"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.ee"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.ejb3"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.jdr"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.jmx"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.jpa"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.logging"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.mail"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.messaging"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.naming"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.osgi"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.pojo"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.remoting"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.sar"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.security"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.threads"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.transactions"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.web"/>
<extension module="org.jboss.as.weld"/>
11 years, 6 months
[jBPM] - If user dictates the order of task like this scenario, is it still appropriate to use BPM?
by Thomas Setiabudi
Thomas Setiabudi [https://community.jboss.org/people/thomas.setiabudi] created the discussion
"If user dictates the order of task like this scenario, is it still appropriate to use BPM?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/830814#830814
I want to know is it still appropriate to use BPM like jBPM in a scenario like described below, or is there any better way of doing this with jBPM?
Lets say we have a candy coating process, and then we have 5 coating task, they are:
1. chocolate coating (CHOC)
2. cheese coating (CHE)
3. caramel coating (CAR)
4. sour syrup coating (SOU)
5. brown sugar coating (BRWN)
Each coating task will add a layer to the candy surface or to previous coating surface, so the order of the coating is important.
Each coating task can be a long running task.
Then there is also another task called Admin task (ADM), this task is just for Administrator to decide whether to continue the process or end the process or skip the next step
We then define 3 process definitions:
process A:
start -> CHOC -> ADM -> CHE -> ADM -> CAR -> SOU -> ADM -> BRWN -> end
process B:
start -> CHE -> ADM -> BRWN -> ADM -> CHOC -> end
process C:
start -> CHE -> ADM -> BRWN -> end
Then of course we have the candy itself, we got three types:
1. bar shaped candy
2. cone shaped candy
3. ball shaped candy
We have defined that:
1. bar shaped candy will be coated using proces A
2. cone shaped candy will be coated using process B
3. ball shaped candy will be coated using process C
When a user is about to start a candy coating process, he/she will first choose a candy type, lets say he/she choose the "cone shaped candy",
The user then wants to see a list of what coating will be applied to this cone shaped candy, so we retrieve "process B" because that is what used by "cone shaped candy" and then display the task's inside the process:
1. CHE
2. ADM
4. ADM
At this stage, user have choice to say that he/she wants to skip one or some coating task:
Lets say he/she choose to skip the "BRWN" coating task
then when the process is started, the BRWN coating task will be skipped on the execution.
My question is, is it the right way to do it?
As the number of process grow, we will have a lot of process like process A, process B, and process C that is just have difference in the order of coating task execution.
Then again because a coating task can be defined to be skipped before the process start, then actually what user see in the process diagram does not really reflect what will be executed (of course user will see all of those gateways), In my opinion this will minimize the benefit of showing process diagram to the user.
Another alternative is to eliminate all process A, process B, and process C, and then replace it with one ad hoc process that contains all the coating process.
And then before the process execution, user define what are the order of coating task to execute.
But this way, It seems to me like process order / flow defined by user and then why use BPM if it is an ad hoc process? (well actually we get more execution data by using BPM with ad hoc process, but still..)
And then showing an ad hoc process diagram to user will be no use at all since user really have no idea what task will come after the current task (since the task's is not connected in this case).
Maybe I implemented this wrongly, or I dont correctly understand how to use BPM especially in this scenario. Maybe you can enlighten me?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thomas Setiabudi
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11 years, 6 months