nimo stephan [] created the discussion
"Re: maven and jboss hot deployment does not work correctly"
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sorry, here more facts:
I use mvn, it is a wtp-jsf-project, war-archive and m2eclipse with maven-jboss tools
support and jboss 3.2 cr1 is included. I use jee6 with jboss 6, weld, jsf.
Here are the steps:
1. I use "mvn -package", which compiles and packages my little war (~3MB) in the
target-folder of my maven-archetype-structure (archetype is called
"jboss-weld-jsf-jee6").(I cannot use mvn -deploy, cos then jboss tools hot
deployement does not work.)
2. Then I go to the "server-view of jboss tools", "add" this war file
press the "publish"-button.
3. I start jboos as and wait (about 2 Minutes !)
4. I go to the webpage of my war on the browser and get the failure "no source
5. I found out, that "jboss publish" did not publish any class-files. It
published all other files and even all directories, but no class-files. However, these
class files does exist in my target-folder.
6. So I deleted the war-file from the deploy-directory via jboss-undeploy-button and
redeployed again via "deploy"+"publish"-button.
7. All files and directories are copied - but no class-files.
8. I clicked also the "full publish"-button - no class files are copied.
9. I stopped the jboss-server and tried again with full publish - and now class files are
10. I started the jboss-server, wait ~2 minutes and made a change of a java-file and use
mvn-package and "full publish"-button - my class file was not updated (!), but
jboss tools forces the jboss instance to start again (with the old files) - so I have to
wait and loose 2 minutes again.
11. Static sources (xhtml) are republished successfully in hot-deployement without
problems. However, I do not know, when and why, sporadically the hot-deployment of
java-class-files works.
The other thing is:
When stopping the server instance, then I have to wait very very often more than *5
Minutes* - jboss tools brings a pop up with the info - *"problems by stopping the
server"* - however, the log of the server told me that it was already stopped, but it
hangs and my eclipse ide hangs while jboss tools tries to stop the already stopped
My big problem is:
I spend time more to wait than to develop - I wait 2-3 minutes to start the server - I
wait 3-5 minutes to stop the server. If I make in one hour only 5 little changes in my
source-code (java-files) which I want to view in my browser, then I have to wait ~5*3+5*3
minutes in one hour - ~30 minutes in one hour is lost and not productive!! It is really
not exaggerated!
While waiting and trying, I can not be productive and I loose the focus of my business
logic. It is really frustrating to wait and wait and (re)try again only to view the result
of a little change of my source code.
Sorry, I am really not sure, if jboss tools or eclipse or jboss AS is the problem. My PC
is a dual core 2.66 ghz with 300 mb ram. I found out that glassfish with netbeans only
need about *8-12 seconds* for hot-deployement of exactly the same war-file (which is about
3 MB) on my machine.
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