Qihan Zhang [
https://community.jboss.org/people/highway89] created the discussion
"Sending a calendar invite through jBPM5"
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I was taking a look at SendIcal.java class and was wondering how to ultimately use it to
send a calendar invite through Microsoft Exchange using smtp.
I was confused as to why the SendIcal class was placed within the jbpm-human-task-core..
let's say you simply wanted to fire off a calendar invite through a workflow using a
custom CalendarWorkItemhandler, how would you go about implementing this? Is this even
Do you have to create a custom workitem definition, ex. CalendarTask, or can you use the
existing Email service task to do this, since theoretically a calendar invite is just an
attachment on the email and Microsoft exchange simply parses the attachment as a calendar
If you simply wanted to send a calendar event without caring about handling the responses
using jBPM5, how would you go about doing this?
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