Yan Feng [
http://community.jboss.org/people/floraly] created the discussion
"Re: Designer loading problem in drools-guvnor"
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Hi Tihomir,
I also got the same problem when deploying to Solaris server. When I deployed under my PC,
it is fine.
I compared the console logs between solaris server and my localPC and found that:
HTTP Get to acturally returns nothing which
namespace is undefined
var splitted = namespace.split("#", 1);
Then I check the doGet() method of EditorHandler.java and found that it used the fixed
path /designer/XXX. It seems that addScript() didnt find the javascipt files
I suspect that the path cannot be located in my deployment although I didnt change the
folder structure in designer.war.
Tommy, do you have any other findings?
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