Mauricio Salatino [] modified the document:
"Human Task API and Data Structures Proposal"
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h1. *
#Introduction Introduction
#Task_Def_Service Task Def Service
#Task_Def_Structure Task Def Structure
#Task_Instance_Queries Task Instance Queries
#Task_Presentation_Service Task Presentation Service
#Task_Assignments_Service Task Assignments Service
#Task_Delegation_Service Task Delegation Service
#Task_Notification_Service_ Task Notification Service
#Task_Instance_Service Task Instance Service
#Task_Instance_Structure Task Instance Structure
#Task_Instance_Queries_931664 Task Instance Queries
#Task_Attachment_and_Comment_Services_ Task Attachment and Comment Services
#_Task_Events_Callbacks_Listeners_Service Task Events, Callbacks, Listeners Service
h1. Introduction
Based on the previous document for reviewing the architecture and APIs exposed by the
Human Task module I've came up with this first schetck of proposal for changes.
I've decided for this stage to show a more modular approach that the one provided by
the current implementation.
This modular approach will let us scale if more functionality is required without the need
of chainging the interfaces of the already existing services. It will also allow us to
provide different implementations for each of the modules which will give us a lot of
flexibility to integrate with different technologies. For example provide an Attachments
which uses a Content Repository and keep the comments in a database. We will be able to
mix and match based on the scenario requirement.
The main focus of this proposal is to decouple all the logical services provided by the
Human Task module and enable different implementations to cohexist under the same set of
This document describe also the Data Structures and Interfaces that will be exposed to the
end User. All the other internal mechanisms and classes will be hidden.
The figure shows the logical organization of the proposed services. The services are
logically grouped Task Definition Services and Task Instances Services.
All the services will be created using CDI beans, which will allow us to expose them via
Switchyard / Camel ( In other words, these
services will be completely agnostic of the
transports that different applications under different scenarios can use to interact with
them. Using CDI will enable us to define different profiles and configurations for the
depending on the scenario that we want to use it. Meaning that if you don't need a
service, you just don't use it and you don't need to suffer the footprint of that
unused service.
The following sections explain the scope of the proposed services:
h1. Task Def Service
A Task Definition is a structure that contains a reusable structure to define a Human
Interaction. By reusable I mean, a Task that can be executed multiple times and
that shares static information, such as Assignments, Delegation options, Deadlines,
Notifications, etc. If all this information can be shared we can reduce the definition
just providing the users to select on of the provided definitions, instead of defining all
this information every time that a task is required.
The task service def service will deal with static Human Task Definitions. These
definitions can be generated by the userTasks from a business processes or via the
provided APIs by third parties applications. We will be able to deploy new task
definitions to the service, list all the available definitions based on different
criterias, etc.
A set of more specific services will be provided to store and manage additional
information about Task Definitions.
TaskDefService taskDefService =
// We can automatically create TaskDef based on the BPMN2 file
// We can enrich those tasks with the form builder
//From the spec: register, port == taskdefid
String port = taskDefService.deployTaskDef(id, taskdef);
// list
// getById
// unregister
h3. Task Def Structure
h3. Task Instance Queries
h2. Task Presentation Service
The task presentation service will allow us to provide more information about how a task
will be presented to the users. This will include the I18N options for all the texts
related to a task such as Subject, Description, Goals, etc. Decoupling this logic and
structures in a different service will allow us to only query this information when
it's needed and
not everytime that we want to interact with a task. Because this is not a core service, we
can choose to not use it and disable it if our implementation doesn't require such
presentation information.
This service will allow us to define common presentation elements that can be shared among
different task definitions.
TaskPresentationService taskPresentationService =
//Internally it will use taskDef.getTaskDef(id).getPresentationElements()
List<PresentationElement> presentationElements =
h2. Task Assignments Service
The task Assignment service will be in charge of hosting information about task
assignments. This information will describe the potentialOwners, excludedOwners,
StakeHolders, BusinessAdmins, etc.
All this information will be related with a task definition and not with a task instance.
In other words this is about static definitions (doing on modeling time) of the task and
not about the
assignments that will be defined at runtime when a Task Instance is created. Having this
information decoupled will allow us to define different strategies for validating,
querying and interacting with
an external identity service. When a Task instance is created, using this information plus
the runtime context and the defined strategies the concrete assigments will be applied to
the Task instance.
Instead of store and duplicate assignment information per task , we can reuse the
assignments from previously defined tasks.
h2. Task Delegation Service
This service will host different delegation schemas that can be used by the task
definitions. Depending on the business scenario were the human interactions will be
defined, this service will host common patterns that can be reused by Task Definitions.
Instead of store and duplicate delegation/escalation information per task , we can reuse
the delegationescalation information from previously defined tasks.
h2. Task Notification Service
The service expose an interface that allows us to define templates for notifications that
can be used on Task Deadlines, Lifecycle Events, Callbacks.
h1. Task Instance Service
Once we have a Task Definiton deployed we can start creating instances of a specific Task
Definition Type. The instance will use the static information provided
by the task definition to create the new Task Instance. The information about assignments,
deadlines and escalations/delegations will be defined inside the Task Definition (which
expressions) . When a new instance is created all the expressions are resolved and the
task will only contain the relevant data for execution. If at runtime more information
about the Task Definition is required, the Task Instance Service can use the Task
Definition Service internally to get generic information.
The Task Instance Service will expose the life cycle methods to interact with a Task
Instance, such as: start, complete, forward, claim, release, etc (WS-HT defined methods).
Internally, the Task Instance Service will contain the core logic to represent the task
life cycle.
Having this Service decoupled from the rest will allow us to improve that logic and have a
well defined boundary of the module capabilties and responsabilities. Because we are
to provide a pluggable life cycle mechanism, different Task Instances Services
implementation can be provided. Using CDI decorators and qualifiers the API usage will be
extremely improved
and it will easily allow us to run the component in any environment (From standalone to EE
with major changes).
Sync and Async Services should be modeled using CDI qualifiers instead of different
// Lifecycle and query methods for task instances only!!!!
TaskInstanceService taskInstanceService =
long taskId = taskInstanceService.newTask(port, params);
taskInstanceService.complete(taskId, params);
taskInstanceService.forward(taskId, "user");
h3. Task Instance Structure
h3. Task Instance Queries
h2. Task Attachment and Comment Services
Both services are decoupled to allow fine grained control on how the attachments are
handled and stored. Depending on the context on the task and the architecture we the Human
Interactions will happen is how we will want to handle attachments. Providing a decoupled
interface for these services will allow us to gradually support different ways to store
this information that is related with a specific task instance.
TaskAttachmentService taskAttachmentService =
taskAttachmentService.addAttachment(taskId, attachment);
List<Attachment> attachs = taskAttachmentService.getAttachments(taskId);
TaskCommentService taskCommentService =
taskCommentService.addComment(taskId, comment);
List<Comment> comments = taskCommentService.getComments(taskId);
h2. Task Events, Callbacks, Listeners Service
This service will expose a set of APIs that will allow external applications to register
interest and callback functions to a Task Instance or a group of Task Instances (could be
also by Task Definition).
When a third party application creates a task inside the human task module, it will
automatically becomes the owner of the task. If the application is interested in being
notified about the Task Lifecycle or just a small set of events, the application will need
to register a callback function or identifier which enables the component to contact back
the application. This callbacks and listeners information should be (once again) agnostic
to the transport. This information will represent a logic description about how to contact
a third party application if it is needed, but several implementations can be plugged to
achieve the desired behavior on runtime. We can leverage the Events features of CDI for
listeners and callbacks.
Having this service as a decoupled module will allow us to:
* Provide different strategies for different environments
* Allow external components to be notified (pull) or to poll the task events notifications
and execute the callbacks for us. Meaning that we expose the information
about what needs to happen but not how it will happen. Reducing the complexity of the
component and leveraging already implemented features from frameworks like Switchard /
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