I tried a lot in solving the problem.
My current guess is, that it has to do with the MySQL 5.1 Database Management System.
M1:0: Error occured in scheduleWorkOrderjava.rmi.ServerException: EJBException:; nested
exception is:
javax.ejb.EJBException: javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException:
javax.ejb.FinderException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable:
(java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: "Can't create a new thread
(errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a
possible OS-dependent bug"); - nested throwable:
(org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested
throwable: (java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: "Can't create a
new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual
for a possible OS-dependent bug"))
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