jnorris [
https://community.jboss.org/people/jnorris] created the discussion
"Re: jBPM 5.3 jbpm-console problem"
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Hi Maciej,
I did rebuild the binaries before and that didn't help. I just now re-started jboss,
ran drools-guvnor, re-imported the kb and rebuilt the binaries. Then I ran jbpm-console
and logged in as krisv, selected the evaluation process and the task showed up as per the
quick-start. I completed the task and although the process is running there isn't
anything else happening. I logged in as john and mary, no tasks. I'm still seeing
the "KnowledgeAgent exception while trying to deserialize
KnowledgeDefinitionsPackage" exception along with the MVELDialectRuntimeData errors
in the log file.
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