Jiri Svitak [
https://community.jboss.org/people/jsvitak] created the discussion
"Re: How to package bpmn files?"
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Hello Aparna,
I have described the possibilites how to get assets from Guvnor. Unfortunately I cannot
help you with migration from one Guvnor repository to another. What I am saying are only
my thoughts, so perhaps someone more experienced can correct me.
Regarding to your current situation:
- you can use single Guvnor repository and adapt your requirements to use single
repository. For example you can load only verified processes to your production, you can
use one Guvnor for both drafts and production processes (KnowledgeAgent can connect to
Guvnor both from testing app and from production app)
- you can use .PKG package files for your deployments, but I have not tried that, so
cannot say (I don't know if it's possible to upload PKG in Guvnor, but it should
be possible to use it for deployment). KnowledgeAgent uses .PKG when downloading/updating
definitions from Guvnor. If you want to try to deploy .PKG take a look here for
- this functionality will be improved in jBPM 6 (for example there will be git backend for
Sorry if this information won't help you.
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