Stefano Cancedda [] created the discussion
"Re: Signal a wait state and suspend related running subprocesses"
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OK, but for me is +desiderable+ to suspend execution of the SUB-PROCESS: what I need is to
transition the root-process to a "SUSPEND" state (please, see the image at the
begin of the original post).
Perhaps If execution suspension is not the solution this is not a big problem for me (this
reasoning was born because the pvm forbid me to signal the main process that contains the
wait state, so i was trying to suspend the sub-process and see what would happen! :) ).
Your idea is somewhat vague for me, maybe I don't understand the concept of wait state
as you intend it, but: if every signal in the main-process execution, outside the
sub-process nodes will cause an *exception* (until the sub-process instance is ended, of
course , +how we can "move to a wait state"+? you intend a fork before entering
any sub-process node?
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