Jiri Svitak [
https://community.jboss.org/people/jsvitak] created the discussion
"Re: Cannot retrieve a result from human task in jBPM 5.3"
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Thanks for your help. I have used everything from 5.3.0.Final, so it seems that fix
wasn't there yet.
But now I am struggling with running 5.4.0-SNAPSHOT. I have built my own .war files from
jbpm master sources, but I am unable to get them working. I am not familiar with internal
jBPM structure, is there a manual where it is explained how to create something like
In particular there was no file starting with jbpm-gwt-form in my jBPM 5.3.0 installation
(jboss-as-7.0.2.Final/standalone/deployments). I have in my deployments directory just
these files:
So I am not sure about the 'jbpm-gwt-form' file, or which .war should I replace,
or if I should replace them all. I have found just jbpm-gwt-form file just in
jbpm-gwt/jbpm-gwt-form/target, but that's not a .war file to deploy, but just a .jar
I am studying the build.xml file of my jBPM 5.3.0.Final installation and it would take me
much time to get it working properly. I would have to configure a lot of things in .war
files itself, copy and unzip several files, ensure correct versions etc. So just asking if
there is a more comfortable and documented way of creating own installer structure for
components compiled from master branch?
I have also tried to use jbpm/jbpm-installer, which has empty lib directory. I have tried
ant download.drools.guvnor
but required file doesn't exist. So going this way would mean to search for files on
Nexus, download them, configure jbpm-installer and the hope that these files will work.
Still not sure which files I need. Is this the best way? I am a bit confused, so thanks
for your help.
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