Hello, everybody.Happy new year to everyone.
I use the examples with the jbpm3.1. this example use tomcat as the app server. I found
the example in the \jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2\jbpm\.. I first run ant, then run ant -f
build.deploy.xml build.webapp and got a jbpm.war. I extract this file and import the
extractd files into a eclipse project. erery thing is ok. jbpm can run under tomcat. now I
try to modify the source code in the webapp to fit my requirment. I found they lack some
jars.?for example:serverlet-api.jar, jsp-api.jar, comm-fileupload.jar and so on. when I
add serverlet-api.jar to the project, the errors in the source file such as logfilter.jsp
dispeared, but jbpm run into error. i got the following problems, can anyone help me?
thks and regards
javax.servlet.ServletException: Unresolved compilation problems:
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved to a type
_jspx_tagPool_f_view cannot be resolved
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved
The method getServletConfig() is undefined for the type login_jsp
_jspx_tagPool_h_messages_nobody cannot be resolved
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved
The method getServletConfig() is undefined for the type login_jsp
_jspx_tagPool_h_form_id cannot be resolved
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved
The method getServletConfig() is undefined for the type login_jsp
_jspx_tagPool_h_selectOneMenu_value_required_id cannot be resolved
org.apache.jasper cannot be resolved
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