I came across the following piece of information:
anonymous wrote :
| The servlet 2.3 spec says (9.6.2 Web Application Classloader):
| "The classloader that a container uses to load a servlet in a WAR must not
| allow the WAR to override JDK or Java Servlet API classes, and is recommended not to
allow Servlets in the WAR visibility of the web containers implementation classes. If a
web container has a mechanism for exposing container-wide library JARs to application
classloaders, it is recommended that the application classloader be implemented in such a
| way that classes packaged within the WAR are able to override classes
| residing in containerwide
| library JARs."
I have tried to move the 'suspected' jar's from WEB-INF\lib to
server\default\lib but with no success. So how best to deal with this issue and why the
change of functionality of the classloader in 5.0.0.CR1 from 4.0.3SP1?
Many thanks in advance.
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