This is a pretty late response. Out on a trip an could not access for few days.
The way you are creating sub tasks may not work. You should use command service to get
your job done instead of using direct methods on tasks. Command service will ensure all
the interceptors are invoked before a call is made to your command. One such interceptor
will create a DBSession for you. A sample code should look like this:
| Task task = //get the parent task somehow
| //create a new task which is a child of the task above
| Task subTask = taskService.newTask(task.getId());
| subTask.setName(subTaskName);
| //this is important as this call will add this task to the sub task
| //set of the parent task. I believe this should have been done
| //during the previous call, but atleast now, it does not happen
| ((TaskImpl)task).addSubTask((TaskImpl)subTask);
Also there is a method in taskService to get sub tasks of a task, try using that when you
need to get the sub tasks.
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