tmag [] created the discussion
"Re: Persisted timer event couldn't find work item handler after reload"
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Anyone faced similar issue before?
In this link :, I see :
Note that timers are persistent. They are saved as part of the session state. *Restoring
a session from database also restores the timers, so they can fire if necessary. Timers
also fire only once, on the session where the timer is registered.*
The JIRA refers to the fact that the session needs to be active for the timer to fire. *If
the user disposes the session, the timer will not fire any more.* In situations where a
long-lived session is used to execute processes, the session will always be alive (and can
be restored in case of server restart) and timers will fire as requested.
In more complex set-ups, where multiple sessions are used and sessions could be disposed
in between, a centralised session could be used to manage the timers when the other
sessions are disposed.
A solution where sessions can automatically be restored when a timer might need to fire,
for example by using quartz to trigger this, is under development in the community but not
yet available.
a) What does it mean by "*timers fire only once & they will not fire anymore if
the user disposes the session*"?
b) Session always need to be active? but its also mentioned restoring a session from
database also restores timers.
c) In my case when I reload the session before the timer period( i.e., 30 secs) the timer
running fine. But if I wait for more time before reloading the session - getting above
exception and entry removed from ProcessInstanceInfo.
Would really appreciate anyone's help on this please.
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