Swaminathan Bhaskar [
https://community.jboss.org/people/swaminathan.bhaskar] created the
"jBPM 5.3 clustering in an enterprise"
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Hello all,
We want to use jBPM 5.3 in our enterprise and one of the enterprise reqs is to have
clustering. I did not find any documentation or information in this regard. We want to be
able to have multiple JVMs running in one box (h/w blade) forming a cluster. As new
requests to start the jBPM business process are made, the load needs to be distributed
among the JVMs in the cluster. Also, if one of the JVMs crashes (for whatever reason), the
crashed jBPM business process needs to be automatically picked up and restarted by another
JVM in the cluster.
I am sure someone has already tried and solved this enterprise problem - any pointers or
suggestions on how we can achieve this ?
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