Ramu Akula [
https://community.jboss.org/people/akula.reddy] created the discussion
"Data loss in cluster aware cache"
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We are using JBosscache cluster aware feature, and we are persisting the data to DB.
For persistancy we have set fetchPersistentState to true.
When all the nodes in the cluster are up and running, there is no problem noticed.
However, when one node restarts, sometimes the entire data in DB vanishes.
When we debugged the issue, we found the below scenario.
During restart of the node, the entire content in DB is flushed (removed) and persisted
again by the new node joingin back the cluster
In between. right after flushing, the other node in the cluster is inserting a row, with
the same primary key.
Because of this, the node joining the cluster is getting unique constraint violation
and inside DefaultStateTransferIntegrator class, we saw the call is going to
integratePersistentState and it's calling loader.StoreEntireState.
When it's storing the state, Oracle is throwing Unique constraint violation, because
of this transientSet would be false and in finally block it's deleting the entire data
from DB.
It looks it's a bug.
And is there a way to avoid DB flusing during restart of a node in the cluster?
Any hints would be of great help to us.
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