Add to Ear will not work until I get a response from someone on the wtp boards as to how
to ensure the hidden wtp module files get the accurate info in them. I've simply not
been able to track down those APIs.
In general it "works" but what does it do really? It's just a remake of the
old ejb3 with little to no added functionality. It just uses the same type of window for
creating a new ejb3 project as for other webtools type projects.
Add to server / remove from server right now still doesn't work but that's a
conscious choice rather than a flaw. It'd be trivial for me to add it, but I'm
kind of waiting for Marshall's packaging so I can start integrating new things with
new things from the start rather than have it support some old hack way of doing things
and then remove it in a week.
The only thing preventing the add to server / remove from server, right now, is some
default packaging for the run-on-server. Like I said... trivial. Right now I'm
strength-testing with a lot of the ejb3.0 tutorials to make sure everything works and I
don't run into any snags. I keep running into snags for various things ;)
(I know... you're wondering what snags can one run into when all I've made is some
a new project type... but in webtools, snags abound. And also, I've never really done
j2ee dev so I'm teaching myself and making tons of stupid novice mistakes along the
way. )
I'll have more news in a day or two I guess.
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