Mauricio Salatino [] created the discussion
"Re: Will jbpm 5 be integrated in jboss esb?"
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Hi there,
I'm working and trying to help with Mule ESB integration withjBPM5 and Drools. The
sync and async calls will be handled by thisintegration.
About the tasks list I'm not totally agree withthat. If you provide a web application,
you need to choose atechnology. Let's say that we choose GWT, each company will be
tied tothis technology, and they will need to have qualified people to adaptit to their
company. if the company has all their solutions in struts2,that company can't adopt
the generic task lists.
This is a complicate topic, but I'm sure that we can reach a good conclusion if we
expose and share different point of views.
Right now the project expose very concrete APIs to build this task lists front ends
without being restricted to any technology.
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