Kamesh Sampath [
https://community.jboss.org/people/kamesh_sampath] created the discussion
"Extending JBoss Server"
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I am trying to write a JBoss AS7 Adapter for my custom server which is an extension JBoss
AS7. When i try to write adapter for i face few issues bacause at many places i see the
JBoss AS plugin uses the checking for ServerUtil#isJBoss7 where it checks for the
severTypes only from JBossServerCore plugins, thereby my custom serverType is not getting
processed and few intiailizations and other stuff fails, rather than checking by
serverTypeId can we not check to see if the server is an instance of JBoss7Server ?
is there any way to overcome this ?
My Platform details is
*Eclipse Platform --* Version: 3.7.1Build id: M20110909-1335
*JBoss Tools* -- 2.3.0.qualifier (Development Build)
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