Hi Gavin,
unfortunately this solution does not fit, or better, it does not work in my application.
Having a look at the Seam source code I've seen that Conversation.instance().end()
calls directly, and only, the Manager.instance().endConversation(false) exactly as I did
in my first solution.
I don't know if this is a Seam bug related to the conversation with a given id (caches
the information and then even if the conversation is marked to be removed when I ask for
the same id it resumes a removed one) or is a misuse of the functionality (I don't
know... I can call the Manager.instance().endConversation(bool) only in a method, JSF
action handler, inside the class which defines the conversation).
I call the Manager.instance().endConversation(bool) from a method (JSF action handler)
defined in a stateful session bean; the session bean has a Seam name and is stored in the
session context but I'm sure, because I print such data, to be in the long running
conversation with the id that I want to remove when the method is called (when the user
presses the close button on the tab label); I have the method in the stateful session bean
because is generic for all the tabs and because I can manipulate directly the application
control data in order to remove also the tab label and the references from the control
Help appreciated!
Raffaele Camanzo
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