Timo Wiedenmann [
http://community.jboss.org/people/twieden] created the discussion
"Re: How to define context-root or URL for web service?"
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Hello Heiner,
i'm not one of the WebService experts - just another user ...
In my expierience the idea to keep an application independant from the application server
follows the java idea, but in reality i never seen the a project changed the server
platform when in was running. So i would propose you to take the dependency to jboss - if
the server will be changed really, you have to adapt your code anyway, as other app
servers have their specialities too.
I dont excatly know from where jboss takes the context root, may be you check
- the service element in the WSDL
- try to use the Endpoint publish() method (see
http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/jax_ws_2/ )
Hope this helps in any way ...
Best regards, Timo
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