Ron Sigal [] replied to the
"Need help in configuring JMS with JBoss Messaging in JBoss 4.2.3"
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Hi Prabu,
1) You can ignore the NullPointerException. Note that it is logged at TRACE level.
2) I don't know why you're getting the CannotConnectException. Look in
$JBOSS_HOME/server/$CONFIG/log/server.log to make sure JBossMessaging started up
properly. And make sure there's an open port at
3) By the way, are you sure you want to set "secondaryConnectPort"? Setting
"secondaryBindPort" will determine the port used by the bisocket transport's
secondary ServerSocket. Setting "secondaryConnectPort" determines the port that
will be used by the client to connect to the secondary ServerSocket. Unless you have some
kind of port translation set up, these values should be the same and you don't need to
set "secondaryConnectPort."
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