Jason Royals [
http://community.jboss.org/people/jroyals] created the discussion
"How to stop my WAR loading JBoss's provided 3rd party classes?"
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Hi folks,
I'd like more control over the class loader so that I can specify classes to ignore
if they are provided outside of my web application. Is there a way to tell my
application's class loader to NOT delegate to the parent for a named list of packages
or jars?
For example, if I don't package Hibernate in my WAR and some class attempts to load
org.hibernate.SessionFactory, I want a ClassNotFoundException (or similar). I do not want
it loading the Hibernate classes from the jar's currently in common/lib.
Constraints are I cannot delete or modify any jars in /common/lib, so I need a different
way (maybe jboss-web.xml or jboss-classloader.xml or something) to stop it happening. Is
it possible?
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