stellina_rosa [] created the discussion
"Re: How does a sub-process work?"
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Hi! I have another question about Sub-processes;
In the sub-process I store some objects in the ksession; I would like to use the object
ksession of the sub-process in the main process; in what way can I pass a parameter from
sub-process to the main process?
I thought to create 2 variables: one in the main process called ksession (and type
org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession), and the other variable in the sub-process
called ksessionInternal (type org.drools.runtime.StatefulKnowledgeSession); these 2
variables are the "parameter out mapping" of the node sub-process... is right?
the problem is: in what way can I pass the ksessionInternal to the ksession variable?
thank you very much!
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