Ales Justin [] created the discussion
"Re: How to stop my WAR loading JBoss's provided 3rd party classes?"
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I've found out that if I specify an ear file name as domain name
in jboss-classloading-domain.xml then I see two classloaders in JMX view:
- the default one created by ear deployer, with parent policy:
"AFTER_BUT_JAVA_BEFORE" and parent domain "DefaultDomain"
domain: "myapp.ear" - created from jboss-classloading-domain.xml, with parent
policy: "(before=EXCLUDE [org.hibernate.validator] after=)" and no parent domain
So it looks like I'll have to either add jboss-classloading.xml to change the domain
name to the same valuse which is in jboss-classloading-domain.xml or modify
jboss-classloading-domain.xml to use the default one.
I quickly tried both but it broke the app - it couldn't load
javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet (using negated recursive package filter for
org.hibernate.validator as before-filter). With some other filter it couldn't start
for other reasons so I'll try figure out a bit more about what actually happens..
Ah, another thing I missed -- EARClassLoaderDeployer. ;-(
Same issue as WebCLDeployer, it also sets some defaults, if no CLMetaData exists.
Let me check what gets used if you don't define any parent-domain in
Also I noticed that war classloaders don't show up any parent
domain (null).
How do you see this?
Didn't we fix this with explicit jb-cl.xml in each of the wars? (until WebCLDeployer
is fixed)
So do you think that NothingClassFilter combined with
RecursivePackageFilter (the same way as NegatingClassFilter) would do the desired
If you use NothingFilter then there is nothing to combine. ;-)
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