Gary Struthers [] created the discussion
"Can't open bpmn from Visual Editor in Process Editor"
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I hope to fill in the properties not yet handled in the Visual Editor with the Process
A workflow created with the Visual Editor that contains Rule Tasks throws an exception
when opened in the Process Editor "An exception occurred while reading in the
RuleFlow XML: No messages found See the error log for more details". Where is the
error log and how do I fix the xml in a text editor?
Another error when opening with the Process Editor is a Gateway direction is unspecified.
I set Gateway directions in the Visual Editor to Diverging and Converging, save the file,
but the properties view shows it goes back to Unspecified.
What am I to do? I don't want to become an expert XML editor of bpmn2 files. If there
are only a few XML changes that will fix problems from the Visual Editor can you please
explain them to me? Or do I have to create a new bpmn2 file with the Process Editor?
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