henry katz [
http://community.jboss.org/people/freemarket] created the discussion
"jdbc connections hangs in wizard under 3.3.0M4 for sqljdbc4"
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Under 3.3.0M4, sqljdbc4
$ md5sum /cygdrive/c/Temp/sqljdbc4*
402130141d5f2cee727f4371e2e8fd8a */cygdrive/c/Temp/sqljdbc4.jar
reproducibly hangs using the database development wizard in
JBDS 4.1.0 (eclipse 3.6.1)
Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1
while Informix drivers work fine.
The same driver above works perfectly in the jboss 5.1 AS to drive various web apps.
There is no error in the .log file from within current workspace and hang must be killed
each time.
Only remaining eclipse instance working with same driver is JBDS 3.0.1.
Any suggestions for a workaround or solution?
This impacts all wizards but web apps work fine.
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