Anand Prakash [] created the discussion
"Multiple Approvers/Performers in JBPM5 for same HumanTaskNode"
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I've a questions regarding multiple approvers or performers to act on same human task
node.So is this possible in JBPM5 or does JBPM5 supports
"TaskMgmtDefinition" class to achieve this using logic inside WorkItemHandler?
Scenario is as below-
Lets say process_definition file(bpmn xml file) has two Human Task node ,one is for
Performer and one is for Approver.
For instance, If we have more than 1 approvers then can all approvers get same
task(Approver's task which is predefined ) and each approver
will act on that task ? Untill all Approvers approves the task then only process should
be finished.
For Example- We have 2 approvers(Approver1 and Approver2).
When workflow process starts then performer will get one task and
once performer will submit the task then
task should come to Approver1 and once Approver1 submit/approve
then it should go to Approver2.
Whenever Approver2 submit/approve then only process should
Please let me know if this functionality is available in JBPM5 or not,If available then
which API can be used to achieve this.
I know one feature which is used to claim the task but if Approver1 claim the task and he
submit/approve then process will be finished which I don't need untill both approvers
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