I've already seen an example with a nested table. But the problem is that you cannot
put that nested table in a new ROW, since rows are "connected" only to the
entities you iterate. But you can put a "sub-table" in a COLUMN.
2) I had an idea about your second question. You might add a property delete (with default
value false) to your listed entities and connect it to a SelectBooleanCheckbox. And at the
bottom of the table you have a button "Delete selected items".
<h:dataTable var="item" value="#{listOfItems}" ...
| ...<h:column><h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{item.delete}"
| </h:dataTable>
| <h:commandButton value="Delete selected items"
action="#{actionBean.deleteSelected}" />
| ...
| public String deleteSelected() {
| for (Item item: listOfItems)
| if (item.isDelete())
| em.remove(item);
| return null;
| }
That's the plain idea. I think it should work, but maybe you need to regard things
like e.g. reloading the list after deletion. And when having problems with detached
entities use em.remove(em.find(Item.class, item.getId())); to work on managed entities.
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