I am doing some high volume tests using JMeter and I have this warning which appears when
I start 10.000 simple process:
anonymous wrote : 10:43:59,913 WARN [ProxyWarnLog] Narrowing proxy to class
org.jbpm.graph.node.StartState - this operation breaks ==
I found this post (
where koen.aers says:
anonymous wrote : This is a Hibernate message. This is because all node types are stored
in the same table. They get loaded by Hibernate lazily (in fact they are not loaded, but
there is a stub in the collection representing all the different nodes of the collection).
When you are actually using the nodes (in this case a tasknode) the object in the
collection gets replaced by an actual TaskNode instance. This operation effectively breaks
the == operator. Nothing really to worry about ;-)
I'm ok with him :-). But...... I found this article
http://www.len.ro/2008/10/jbpm-optimization/) where the author:
- First takes 10 minutes to achieve the method "List tasks = (List)
getTaskListCommand.execute(jbpmContext);" and have the same warning.
- Then tries to tune Hibernate queries and takes 6 seconds after to do the same thing.
So my question is: Should we really not worry about this warning?
Thx for your advices.
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