"kukeltje" wrote :
| Makes me wonder though what the alternative is. Tx? I do want to use
'pooling' in my RAR.
In JBoss4.x the xsl deployer creates a set of MBeans which contains the JCA infrastruture
MBeans(pooling/tm), the same set of MBeans can be configured explicitly in service(
-service.xml file) also.
In older version of JBoss somewhere in JBoss3 days the datasource deployment was not done
using -ds.xml but by deploying the service i.e -service.xml.
The -ds.xml configuration was easier than the -service.xml pattern which would simply
contain the mbean definitions.
It seems you wanted to deploy the RA with the corresponding -service.xml and not with
-ds.xml pattern.
You should be able to search the entry as "DEBUG
[org.jboss.deployment.XSLSubDeployer] transformed into doc:" in the JBoss4.* , it
would contain the generated xml which would be deployed by the service deployer.
With JBoss5 there is no xsl transformation and you would not see the same in the
So with JBoss4 you have
-ds.xml --xsl transformation--> -service.xml ----> 4 Means per -ds.xml
and with JBoss5 you will have
-ds.xml ---------------------------------------------------> 4 Means per -ds.xml
In Jboss4 the xsl transformation creates the contents of -service.xml which can been seen
in server.log e.g
DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.XSLSubDeployer] transformed into doc: <server>
| <mbean code='org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager'
display-name='ConnectionManager for DataSource OracleDS'
| <attribute name='TrackConnectionByTx'>true</attribute>
| <attribute name='LocalTransactions'>true</attribute>
| <depends optional-attribute-name='ManagedConnectionPool'>
You could also deploy the JCA infrastructure via the -service.xml and avoid xsl
transformation, but this is difficult to manage and thus the -ds.xmll deployment notion
was introduced.
With Jboss5 I would not recommend you to deploy the -service.xml and would recommend to
write -ds.xml defining the connection factories as explained in the jca docs here
And if you still want to use the -service.xml pattern which was used in Jboss3 days(IIRC)
then you should use org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager entry instead
To have better understanding of what MBean should be in the -service.xml I would
recommend you to take a look at the xml getting generated in server.xml from the xsl
transformation. You can search for "DEBUG [org.jboss.deployment.XSLSubDeployer]
transformed into doc: " in server.log.
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