I have quite often come upon tables likes this:
| supplier articlenr size stock
| ------------------------------------------
| SuppA 100 1 57
| SuppA 100 2 63
| SuppA 100 3 19
| SuppB 100 1 12
| SuppB 100 2 21
| SuppB 100 3 51
So supplier and article number is the composite key of the table.
I want to map it to an entity that looks something like this:
| public class ArticleSupply {
| private ArticleSupplyID id;
| private Collection<SupplyInfo> supply;
| // ArticleSupplyID holds supplier and articlenr
| @Id @Embedded
| public ArticleSupplyID getId() {
| return id;
| }
| //This has size and stock information
| @OneToMany
| public Collection<SupplyInfo> getSupply() {
| return supply;
| }
| }
(I know the code above is not correct but I hope it gives you the idea.)
Obviously this is not possible since the datamodel is not normalized. This raises two
1.) The ArticleSupplyID is not unique in the table.
2.) Both ArticleSupply and SupplyInfo are mapped to the same table.
One way to deal with the situation is by creating a view for ArticleSupply which looks
something like this: SELECT DISTINCT supplier, articlenr FROM mytable. Then you could use
a composite key for SupplyInfo to get the collection from the original table.
This should work (untested) but it is not a very elegant solution. Since not normalized
data is so common there must be a better solution.
Does anybody have an idea?
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