Kabir Khan [
http://community.jboss.org/people/kabir.khan%40jboss.com] replied to the
"Benchmarking classloaders"
To view the discussion, visit:
The times with the latest jboss-cl trunk:
|| *Deploy (ms)* || *First Load (ms)* || *Load Cached* ||
| *Big ball of mud* | 977 | 669 | 12 |
| *Package* | 1093 | 708 | 60 |
| *Module* | 1205 | 710 | 60 |
* Deploy is the time taken to install the classloader
* First Load is the time taken to load the class first time
* Load Cached is the time taken to load the class once it is already loaded
In all cases the class comes from another loader than the initiating loader
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