JAR & WAR both are separate...
& also the Manifest.mf of the WAR doesn't contain a reference to the EJB JAR...
STRUCTURE OF Deploy Directory of Jboss
|- [http-invoker.sar]
| |- [invoker.war]
| | |- [WEB-INF]
| | |- [classes]
| | | |- [org]
| | | |- [jboss]
| | | |- [invocation]
| | | |- [http]
| | | |- [servlet]
| | | |-
| | | |- InvokerServlet$GetPrincipalAction.class
| | | |- InvokerServlet.class
| | | |- NamingFactoryServlet.class
| | | *- ReadOnlyAccessFilter.class
| | |- jboss-web.xml
| | *- web.xml
| |- [META-INF]
| |- jboss-service.xml
|- [jboss-aop.deployer]
| |- [META-INF]
| | |- jboss-service.xml
| |- base-aop.xml
| |- javassist.jar
| |- jboss-aop.jar
| |- jboss-aspect-library.jar
| *- trove.jar
|- [jboss-hibernate.deployer]
| |- cglib-full-2.0.1.jar
| *- hibernate2.jar
|- [jbossweb-tomcat50.sar]
|- [jboss-ws4ee.sar]
|- [jfree_demo.war]
|- [jms]
|- [jmx-console.war]
|- [management]
|- [MoneyMaximizerEJB.jar]
|- [MoneyMaximizerWeb.war]
|- bsh-deployer.xml
|- cache-invalidation-service.xml
|- client-deployer-service.xml
|- ear-deployer.xml
|- ejb-deployer.xml
|- hsqldb-ds.xml
|- jbossjca-service.xml
|- jboss-local-jdbc.rar
|- jboss-xa-jdbc.rar
|- jmx-invoker-service.xml
|- mail-ra.rar
|- mail-service.xml
|- monitoring-service.xml
|- mysql-ds.xml
|- mysql-ds.xml.bak
|- mysqlndb-ds.xml
|- mysqlndb-ds.xml.bak
|- properties-service.xml
|- schedule-manager-service.xml
|- scheduler-service.xml
|- sqlexception-service.xml
*- uuid-key-generator.sar
|- [com]
| |- [moneymax]
| |- [apptier]
| | |- [adminworkflow]
| | | |- [broker]
| | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | |- Broker.class
| | | | | |- BrokerBean.class
| | | | | *- BrokerHome.class
| | | | *- BrokerBOImpl.class
| | | |- [currency]
| | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | |- Currency.class
| | | | | |- CurrencyEJB.class
| | | | | *- CurrencyHome.class
| | | | *- CurrencyBOImpl.class
| | | |- [exchange]
| | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | |- Exchange.class
| | | | | |- ExchangeEJB.class
| | | | | *- ExchangeHome.class
| | | | *- ExchangeBOImpl.class
| | | |- [futuregearing]
| | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | |- FutureGearing.class
| | | | | |- FutureGearingEJB.class
| | | | | *- FutureGearingHome.class
| | | | *- FutureGearingBOImpl.class
| | | |- [holiday]
| | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | |- Holiday.class
| | | | | |- HolidayEJB.class
| | | | | *- HolidayHome.class
| | | | *- HolidayBOImpl.class
| | | |- [instrument]
| | | | |- [bonds]
| | | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | | |- Bonds.class
| | | | | | |- BondsEJB.class
| | | | | | *- BondsHome.class
| | | | | *- BondsBOImpl.class
| | | | |- [equity]
| | | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | | |- Equity.class
| | | | | | |- EquityEJB.class
| | | | | | *- EquityHome.class
| | | | | *- EquityBOImpl.class
| | | | |- [equityoptions]
| | | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | | |- EquityOption.class
| | | | | | |- EquityOptionEJB.class
| | | | | | *- EquityOptionHome.class
| | | | | *- EquityOptionBOImpl.class
| | | | |- [forex]
| | | | | |- [ejb]
| | | | | | |- Forex.class
| | | | | | *- ForexEJB.class
| | | | | *- ForexBOImpl.class
| | | | |- [futureoptions]
| | | | |- [futures]
| | | | |- [mutualfunds]
| | | |- [instrumentmasterupload]
| | | |- [stocksplit]
| | | |- [usermaintenance]
| | |- [commonworkflow]
| | |- [fix]
| | |- [onlinepricefeed]
| | |- [riskmath]
| | |- [userworkflow]
| | |- [utility]
| |- [datatier]
| |- [framework]
| |- [hibernate]
| |- [hibernatendb]
| |- [processes]
| |- [riskmath]
| |- [util]
| |- [valueobject]
|- Alerts.properties
|- FIX.properties
|- log4j.properties
*- moneymax.properties
U can check out the path of UtilityDAO class its correct....
|- [adminworkflow]
| |- [broker]
| | |- BrokerMasterDAO.class
| | |- CountryMasterDAO.class
| | |- TblBrokerTypeDAO.class
| | |- TblBrokerTypeDetDAO.class
| | *- TblInstrumentMasterDAO.class
| |- [currency]
| | |- CurrencyMasterDAO.class
| |- [exchange]
| | |- ExchangeMasterDAO.class
| |- [futuregearing]
| | |- FutureGearingDAO.class
| |- [holiday]
| | |- HolidayMasterDAO.class
| |- [instrument]
| | |- BondsDAO.class
| | |- EquityDAO.class
| | |- EquityOptionDAO.class
| | |- ForexDAO.class
| | |- FuturesDAO.class
| | *- MutualFundDAO.class
| |- [instrumentmasterupload]
| | |- InstrumentMasterUploadDAO.class
| |- [stocksplit]
| | |- StockSplitDAO.class
| |- [usermaintenance]
| |- UserMainDAO.class
|- [commonworkflow]
| |- [alerts]
| | |- AlertsDAO.class
| |- [audittrail]
| | |- AuditTrailDAO.class
| |- [calculator]
| | |- CalculatorDAO.class
| |- [checkit]
| |- [executionorder]
| | |- ExecutionOrderDAO.class
| | *- ExecutionOrderDao1.class
| |- [newscharts]
| | |- NewsChartsDAO.class
| |- [notes]
| | |- NotesDAO.class
| |- [performance]
| | |- PerformanceReportDAO.class
| |- [protectit]
| | |- ProtectItDAO.class
| |- [risk]
| | |- RiskDAO.class
| |- [riskmath]
| |- [riskmonitor]
| | |- RiskMonitorDAO.class
| |- [riskreport]
| | |- RiskReportDAO.class
| |- [setpricealert]
| | |- SetPriceAlertDAO.class
| |- [sizeit]
| | |- InstrumentMasterDAO.class
| | |- StoporderPerVariantsDAO.class
| | *- TransactionTypesDAO.class
| |- [stopadjuster]
| |- [trackit]
| | |- TrackitDao.class
| |- [tradeit]
| | |- TradeItDAO.class
| | |- TradeItInsertDAO.class
| | *- TradeItNDBDao.class
| |- [traderegister]
| |- [workingorder]
|- [fix]
|- [onlinepricefeed]
|- [reuters]
|- [riskmath]
|- [userworkflow]
*- UtilityDAO.class
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